Need Info & Data on the following People:
Known places of residences AND Death Certificate of
Joseph Gagnon born November 7, 1873 in Gardner, Mass.
At age 6 yrs old was living with Grandparents, Asiah & Scholastique (MUST be incorrect spelling)
(Celeste) Fournier. Was son of Lewis Gagnon and Marie (Mary) Odile Fournier.
Lewis Gagnons parents were George Gannyo and Amelia Gannyo. Lewis was born in Burlington, Vertmont.
Joseph would have died between 1880 and 1910 as he is not listed on the 1910 Census for Worcester, Mass.
On the 1880 Census he was living on the Fournier Farm on Howard Street in Gardner, Mass at age six with
his grandparents.
He was living in 1881 when his mother obtained her divorce and rec'd custody of him as a minor child.
His grandmother died in 1886, Oct 27
His grandfather is thought to have died on or prior to March 25, 1900.
Joseph may have died in New Hampshire, or Rhode Island.
Other spellings of this SURNAME: Gannyo, Gangnon
Joseph Romeo Byron birth certificate - born in Canada, St Eugene
Marie (Mary) Odile Fournier first married Lewis Gagnon Dec 21, 1872 in Gardner, Mass. This
is shown a first marraige for both these people.
Her father is shown as Asiah Fournier and states that Marie was born in Canada.
Mary Gangnon and her first husband is known to have resided in the following cities:
Templeton, Mass
Gardner, Mass
Crown Point, New York
Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire
We are especially looking for Death Certificates for these people.
All info & data is greatly appreciated.
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Mary O. Biron died July 31, 1935 in Tewksbury, Massachusetts