“We Kin Ya Jasper”
These people were all neighbors of our family of Lewallens
in Jasper Township, Taney County, Missouri in 1850. This page is created in an
attempt to learn more about our Lewallens and in an attempt to discover the roots thereof!!!
We hope that if you have connections to one
or more of these families you will look for connections to our Lewallens and let us know how you connect!
Searching for any & all Lewallen Connections
to our Lewallens with possible connections to Ford &/or Motley in our search f or Hannah's origins.
As we locate tid-bits of info & data of these family
groups, we will add it here on this page towards giving a more complete picture of those in the neighborhood!
1850 Taney County, Missouri Census
Surnames Extracted ----- Jasper Township
SURNAME Dwellings Family# Page# Township #family/where Born
BEDFORD 440 440 371b Jasper Township 4 born Mo/NC/TN
CHESER 441 441 371b Jasper Township 8 born TN/Mo
CLEVINGER 431 431 371a Jasper Township 6 born TN/IND/Mo
DUNCAN 438 438 371b Jasper Township 3 born NC/TN/Mo
EMERY 440 440 371b Jasper Township 4 born IND/TN/Mo
HARPER 441 441 371b Jasper Township 2 born Alabama
HEDRICK 439 439 371b Jasper Township 6 born KY/Mo
LEWALLEN 435 435 371a Jasper Township 11 born TN/NC/ARK/MO
MABERRY 433 433 371a Jasper Township 8 born VA/TN/ILL/Mo
MABERRY 434 434 371a Jasper Township 2 born ILL/Ohio
MAY 430 430 371a Jasper Township 8 born Ala/Mo
McMILLEN 440 440 371b Jasper Township 2 born TN
MORROW 442 442 371b Jasper Township 3 born SC/KY
SEVEIR 429 429 371a Jasper Township 4 born TN/Mo
SEVEIR 432 432 371a Jasper Township 5 born Ind/TN/Mo
WETHERMAN 436 436 371b Jasper Township 3 born NC/VA/KY
WILLIAMS 441 441 371b Jasper Township 4 born TN/Mo
WORREN 437 437 371b Jasper Township 3 born TN/ILL/Mo
Below we find the value of the property
for Hannah Lewallen to be $650.00.
Also by Hannah the CRW = Cannot read or write.
This is not unusual given the date and place
born and the fact that she is believed to
have been Native American.
435 435 LEWALLEN H.36 F W 650 Tennessee CRW
435 435 LEWALLEN C. 17 F Tennessee
435 435 LEWALLEN M. J. 15 F Tennessee
435 435 LEWALLEN E. A. 13 F North Carolina
435 435 LEWALLEN M. J. 11 M Tennessee
435 435 LEWALLEN J. N. 9 M Tennessee
435 435 LEWALLEN S. E. 8 F Arkansas
435 435 LEWALLEN G. W. 7 M Missouri
435 435 LEWALLEN J. R. 4 M Missouri
435 435 LEWALLEN R. B.3 M Missouri
435 435 LEWALLEN E. 2 F Missouri