William & Polly Hilton and Family (James Ross Hilton top Left) |
Photo of William Hilton & wife Hannah Elizabeth "Polly" Bilyeu-The picture of Polly Hilton & family
was taken when they lived in Bull Creek at what is known as the Lum Dye Place. The photographer was Rutledge, from Forsyth,
photo taken 1906 / 1907.
Polly, who had a swollen eye, is holding her son Ellis. William is holding Roscoe DeWitt, son of daughter
Mintie, who stands behind him holding her son Charles, (back). Newt is standing on Mintie's left, and on Newt's left
is Janie, Wiliam & Polly's oldest child.
Janie is holding her daughter, Alma. The two girls on Polly's left are daughters Corrie &
Kate and in front of them is Bea Spradlin, daughter of Janie. On William's right is daughter, Cora, and behind her is
son Ross (James Ross Hilton). The boy on the extreme left of picture is Ocie Spradlin, son of Janie.
Ben Hilton was away from home the day this picture was made, & youngest son, Joe, was not yet born.
Ma's Pipe, Pan, Matches, Tobacco & Clocl |
Sent in by Mamie in Texas, Thank you Mamie! |
This is "Ma's" pan , tobacco,, pipe and last matches , just as she left them , the clock is one that
sat on a shelf above her bed that my Dad had given her at one Christmas.
My mother, Millie, told of how Grammy Polly smoked a corn cob pipe and chewed 'backie'. Mom told of
once bringing Polly "Maw" some ice cream.....She said Maw threw the ice cream into the rain barrel and later got upset
when it melted.
Polly - Lu Dawn's Maternal GreatGrandmother |
Christian County
Jan 1859 – 12 Jan 1958 CHRISTIAN COUNTY REPUBLICAN 23 Jan 1958 p5.
Funeral services for Mrs. Hannah Elizabeth Hilton, 96 who died Sunday Jan.
12 at her home eight miles southwest of Chadwick, were held Wednesday, January 15 at 2:00 p.m. in the Spokane Baptist Church,
with the Rev. Reg Mapes officiating. Burial was in Spokane Cemetery under direction of the Harris Funeral Home of Nixa. “Aunt
Polly” as she was known to her many relatives and friends was a member of the White Oak Baptist Church now known as
the Spokane Baptist Church. She was a native of Christian County, the daughter of Wyatt and Jane Sinclair Bilyeu. Survivors
include four sons, Ellis and Newt Hilton of Forsyth. Ben Hilton of Spokane and Joe Hilton of Batesville, Ark; four daughters,
Mrs. Janie Spradling of Chadwick, Mrs. Mary Green Abbey of Copan, Okla., Mrs. Carrie Kerr of Live Oak, Calif and Mrs. Cora
Hammond of Everett, Wash., 57 grandchildren, 150 great grandchildren and several great, great grandchildren; a half-brother,
John Bilyeu of Ozark; three half sisters, Mrs. Richard Clark, Mrs. Annie Shelton and Mrs. Addie Tatum.
Grammy Polly's Death Certificate |
Sent in by Carol |
W.N. (Newt) Hilton
d 17 Jun 1963 age 76 CHRISTIAN
COUNTY REPUBLICAN 20 Jun 1963. Contributed by Mabel and Randal Phillips.
N. (Newt) Hilton, 76, died at 7:15 p.m. Sunday at his home, six miles south of Chadwick. He was a lifetime resident of Christian
County. Survivors include his wife, Mary, of the home; two sons, Leonard, 812 West Della, Springfield, Bill, Ceres, Calif;
three daughters, Mrs. Arnetta Griffin, Springfield, Mrs. Rosa Nell Cornog, Delhi, Calif.; Mrs. Jewell Andrews, Ceres, Calif.;
20 grandchildren; a stepson, Walter Rhoades, Forsyth; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Nona Patrick, Muskogee, Okla.; three brothers,
Joe, Batesville, Texas, Ellis, Denair, Calif., and Ben, Spokane; four sisters, Mrs. Janie Spradling, Chadwick, Mrs. Cora Hammond,
Everett, Wash., Mrs. Carrie Kerr, Live Oak, Calif. and Mrs. Mary Abbey, Copan, Okla. Funeral services were at 2:00 p.m. Wednesday
in the Spokane Baptist Church. The Rev. Tommy Bilyeu officiated and burial was in Spokane Cemetery under direction of Harris
of Ozark.
James Ross Hilton - Lu Dawn's Maternal Grandfather |
Mildred Maxine Hilton-Sims-Ross |
Mildred Maxine Hilton
A number of years ago, our mother, Millie, began writing a book. My sister now has it and I am attempting
to get my hands on Mom's hand written pages so we
may include them here.
Mom hand-wrote many stories, which we could nevery truly connect. It is hoped to include them all
here as
"Mom's Missouri Memories"
"Don't Look Back"
I do have a revised version of the first page I revised several years ago, the results of which follow below:
There is an inner feeling of joy and a touch of pride which glows within whenever I think of how many years
I simply pondered the thoughts of writing this book. Sitting here in my cozy kitchen nook and jotting down on paper
how "Don't Look Back", got it's beginning, is the forfillment of a personal dream of mine, shich has pulled at my inner core
over several decades.
God knows how I feel about those great Missouri Ozarks, their magestic beauty, a blessing to the mortal
eye, but only to be truly appreciated by those who lived through and could understand the severe difficulties living here
I grew up here when people were busy trying to cut a meeger living out of the hills, valleys and creeks,
which today still sit quietly neslted amongst these magnificient mountains.
The people are a part of me. It was another time, time past, yet never forgotten. There they
were, waiting, going no where, merely mortels, trying to survive while still managing to enjoy God's great Blassings.
Tabor owned much of the land in Christian Co., Mo., located in the southwestern corner of this state.
In those times cattle roamed the land in open range.....(Note here: More on Table & why you mentioned him-reason to link
him in later.).......
Piney Ridge, was known as the Pinery. It's people and their social events were echoed from hollow
to ridge.
< This is the only page I have to enter at this time. Hopefully, I will get the rest of Mom's hand-written
Memoirs before too long! >
Momma - "Millie" in Lumberton, North Carolina |
Lu Dawn Holding Justina, Greatgrdau of Mildred M. Floyd (Rt) |
Mother Nov-Dec 2004 Winona, Ave., Lumberton, N.C. |
Mildren Maxine Hilton-Sims-Ross-Floyd
is Lu dawn's Mother.
William Hilton b. abt 1598 London, England m. ___________ b. ______.
One Child Found Listed:
John Hilton b. abt. 1642
John Hilton Sr. b. abt. 1642 in Westmoreland,
England, died 21 Jan 1705 St. mary's, MD.
Wife Jane ______.
Two children found listed:
1. John Jr. b.______ St. Mary's Co., MD
2. Francis b.
(Mentioned in will 21 Jan 1705, "To wife Jane........ To sons John and Francis....."
John Hilton Jr. b. 1660-1670, St. Mary's Co., Va., m. Jane ____
One Child Found Listed:
Andrew b. 1685, St. Mary's Co., MD.
Andrew Hilton, b. 1685 St. mary's Co., MD.,
was son of John Hilton & wife Jane _____ .
Andrew b. 1685, died 1746. Andrew m. Judith _______, b. _____.
Children of Andrew & Judith:
1. John Hilton b. 1720 St. Mary's Co., MD.
2. Mary Hilton b. abt 1722
3. Susanna b. abt 1724
4. Andrew b. about 1726
5. Thomas b. abt 1728
6. James b. abt. 1730
7. William b. abt 1730
8. Richard b. abt 1733
9. Elizabeth b. abt 1735
10. Jonthan b. abt 1737
11. Juda b. abt 1739
12. Leonard b. abt 1739
13. Samuel b. abt 1743
John Hilton 1720 - 1790
(Recieved from Homer Johnson, W.W. Washington)
John Hilton was born in St. Mary's County, Maryland and apparently lived most of his life in that area.
He moved to Guilford, Co. N.C. about 1784 when he was 64 years old. His sister, Mary, died without marrying and John
was given power of attorney by the other four N.C. children to return to Maryland to settle her estate.
The Hiltons in Maryland were Episcopalians. In North Carolina they became followers of Youbal Sterns,
the crusader for the Baptist Church and the most noted Baptist preacher and organizer in N.C. The Hiltons joined his
church at Sandy Creek.
The will of John Hilton, dated August 14, 1788 was probated in the June term of the court in 1790 (Randolph
County, N.C. Will Book No. 1, p. 80). In it he provides for the support of his wife and gives 290 acres of land to his
son, Samuel. After John's death, the Reverend Samuel Hilton moved westward to Virginia and returned to sell his inheritance
on December 26, 1795 to David Jones of Randolph County. He mentions in the transaction that the land was that willed
to him by his father.
John Hilton b. 1720 m. Nancy ____ b. abt 1723 in St. Mary's Co., MD.
Children of John & Nancy were:
1. John b. abt 1751
2. James b. abt 1753
3. Andrew b. 1757, St. Mary's Co., MD
4. Jonathon b. abt 1760
5. Thomas b. abt 1762
6. Samuel b. 1766, St. Mary's Co., Va.
Samuel Hilton was born in St. Mary's County, Maryland and moved with his father to North
Carolina when he was about 18 years old. He lived there only 5 or 10 years, marrying Nancy Bird in
1787. Under the influence of Youbal Stern (also called Shubal Sterns or Starnes) he became a Baptist preacher.
Sometime between 1790 and 1791, Samuel and his family moved west to "Kentucky Land". They settled in the Mawqueson (Moccasin)
Creek area near the Tennessee line in what is now Scott County, Virginia (formed in 1815 from parts of Lee, Russell and Washington
County). At that time the Clinch Mountain was the line between Russell County to the north and Washington County to
the south.
The homesite selected by Samuel was on the North Fork of the Holston River where the Little Valley joins
the river. The site is approximately five miles east of Moccasin Gap, a famous landmark and the first of several "most
dangerous" portions of the WIlderness Trail to Kentucky. The Gap was first visited by Daniel Boone (1735-1820) in 1769.
Rev. Samuel was the first preacher in this section of the western settlements. He and Rev. Jesse Wilson
traveled widely by horseback to minister to the scattered families settling along the Wilderness Trail. In 1803 the
two preachers and 11 others from Washington and Russell Counties helped organize the Double Spring Church of Tennessee (near
the Tennessee Eastman Plant in Kingsport). Two years of attendence at such a distance probably convinced them of the
need for a church in the Moccasin Creek area. On October 26, 1803 the "United Baptist Church of Christ at Big Moccasin
Gap" was founded. It was the first church established in Scott County. The 13 members "loaned" from the
Tennessee church were Rev. Samuel and Nancy Hilton, Rev. James Wilson, Samuel Strong, Margaret Davidson, WIlliam Quillen,
Ann Black, Rebecca McClellan, Priscilla Jeffries, Teague Quillen, Polly and Samuel Eastep and Polly Wilshire. The next
day 4 more joined the church. By 1812 there were over 50 members. Among the new members for that year were William
and Sarah Cody, grandparents of "Buffalo Bill" Cody.
The following tribute to Rev. Samuel was written by James B. Taylor in "Virginia Baptist Ministers Series
1" published in 1859: "Elder Hilton lived and died in Scott County. He possessed a Vigorous intellect, and although
the Stores of learning were not placed within his reach, this deficiency was in some measure supplied by habit of clare thinking
and the thorough investigation of those subjects upon which he brought his mind to bear; In the early history of Virginia
Baptist he entered the Ministry of reconciliation, having himself felt the power of the gospel in his own salvation.
He continued until within a few years back, a fathful, laborous laborer in the Kingdom of Christ. He was highly respected
and esteemed by all Classes, and was eminently useful in the work of preaching the gospel."
Rev. Samuel died April 24, 1830. His funeral was preached by Elder David, who took his
text from Job: 23-35. Wife, Nancy, born 1766, died February 5, 1835. Her funeral was from the first verse of Corinthians.
Lands. Although Samuel's son, John, is known as the big land holder of the area, it seems that Samuel
also acquired extensive holdings. The homesite on the river was obtained sometime prior to 1800 and has been in the
family ever since.
Samuel probably acquired all of the land for a mile upstream from his home. During the 1870's his
grandson, John H. Hilton, obtained an "exact story" of part of a deed (with a survey of the eastern boundary) dated March
12, 1816, which shows transfer of land from John Hickam and wife, to Samuel Hilton. The land bordered that of Henry
Moore and ran south to the river. The original land grant, dated August 8, 1811 (found among the papers of William H.
Hilton, eldest son of John H. Hilton) was made to John Hickam in payment for services rendered in the Revolutionary War, includes
55 acres on both sides of the river, and was signed by Governor Greoge William Smith of Virginia. In the same collection
with this grant, a deed dated 1811 was found in which Hickam bought 100 acres from Abraham Fulkerson and his wife, Sarah.
The deed states it is land granted Fulkerson in 1785. This is probably land at the mouth of Dowell Creek.
Samuel's lands were widely scattered throughout southwest Virginia. At Lebonon, Virginia, Deed Book
#3, p. 725 states that on March 4, 1806 Samuel Ewing, attorney for Richard Smith of London, England sold Samuel 111 acres
on the Clinch River. Samuel sold this land to David Cox in 1818. Richard Smith was the first land speculator in
what is now Wise County, gaining possession of more than 300,000 acres on the north side of Clinch River.
One verbal report relates that Rev. Samuel gave each of his five children a square mile of land. This
seems plausible from limited information in later papers. Two of Samuel's sons, John and Jonathan, remained in Scott
County. John probably added to Samuel's original holdings. John obtained Samuel's western lands, including the
homeplace, while Jonathan acquired the eastern lands. This assumption is based on the fact thtat the lands lying two
to three miles upstream were held by Jonathan's descendants for many years. Jonathan's son, William Ode, received a
land grant, signed by William Smith, (a second Governor of Virginia by this name) in 1846. The 30 and one-half acre
tract was on both sides of Roberts Creek and was bounded on the north and west by Jonathan Hilton, on the south by James Larkey
and on the east by William King. Jonathan's lands seemed to have run north from Roberts Creek, across the river (through
the "lower place" or western third of the James H. Hilton farm on the map), into the Little Valley and eastward to make a
crescent around the Peters' land to a corner at the north bank of the river and continuing up the valley north of the......
(The Following Taken From
Uncle Billy Rex Hilton's Work A Hilton Profile)
Rev. Samuel Hilton b. 1766 in St. Mary's County, Va., moved with
family to (son John 1720) Randolph County, N.C. Later moved on to Scott Co., Mo. Died1830, Buried at Hiltons, Va.
Rev. Samuel Married Nancy Bird , daughter of Enos Bird (Byrd) a prominent
Virginia and North Carolina (coastal area) name. They were m. in 1787.
Children of Rev. Samuel Hilton & Nancy Bird:
1/ John b. 1788
2. Aaron b. 1791
3. Jonathan Taylor b. 1795
4. Enos Bird b. 1800 d. 1884
5. William b. 1803
William Hilton b.1803 in Scott Co., Va. In 1840 with his brother
Enos Bird moved with respective families to South West, Mo. William is buried at Walnut Shade, Taney Co., Mo.
William 1st m. Rhoda Lawson b. 1803, d. 1859, the daughter of William Lawson, a Revolutionary
War Veteran.
Children of William Hilton & Rhoda Lawson:
1. Samuel Wilson b. 1828 in Scott Co., Va.
2. James L. b.
3. Frederick Jasper b.
4. Jan Price (m. McNutt)
5. Ellen (m. Goodnar)
6. Nancy B. (m. Manning)
William 2nd m. Martha Craig
Children of William Hilton & Martha Craig:
1. Jesse
John A.
Henry L.
Isacc (Ike)
Rev. Samuel Wilson Hilton b. 1828 m. Emma Jane Lee Scott b. 1838.
Samuel Wilson was born Scott Co., Va. Moved with family toMol. Married & lived his life in the Spokane, Mo.
area. He is buried at Spokane, Mo.
Children of Rev. Samuel Willson Hilton & Emma Jane Lee Scott:
1. Ellen
2. William b. 1855, d. March 1911
3. Samantha
3. Mary Green
4. Josephine
5. Rhoda Vista
6. Samuel
7. Alice
8. John
9. James
10. Estelle
William Hilton born 1855, died 1911, is buried at Spokane, Mo.
William 1st m. Della Mc Ginnis. William and his first wife
had two known children: John & Sarah E.
William 2nd m. "Polly Hannah Elizabeth Bilyeu b. 20 Jan 1859, Spokane, Mo.,
died 12 Jan 1958, Chadwick, Mo. She is buried at Spokane Cemetery, Mo., adopted by or child of Wiette Bilyeu b. 1835
& Mary Jane Lewallen. Polly was 1st m. to Green Williams on 30 Dec. 1875, 1st child died, 2nd child Mary Green
b. 1878. (More to follow later).
Children of William Hilton & Hannah Elizabeth "Polly" Bilyeu:
1. Lula Jane (Mary jane) b. 3 Nov 1880 near Spokane, Mo. d. 3 Sept 1954, Chadwick, Mo. ,
m. William Spradling
2. Mintie May "Mitte" b. 18 March 1883, near Spokane, died 19 Dec 1954, Christain Co., Mo., m. Jack
DeWitt on 11 Sept 1901.
3. William Newton b. 1886 near Spokane, Mo., d. 16 Jan 1963, 1st m. Maude Lewis-Johnson,
2nd m. Mary Garrison
4. Benjamin Harrison b. 12 Feb. 1888, near Spokane, Mo., d. 9 Aug 1977 Spokane, Mo., m. Lou or Lou
Stultags or Stultz-Capp
5. James Ross b. 1891 near Spokane, Mo., d. 1936 VA Hospital, Chicago, Illinois, m.
Minerva Edith Thornton b. 1899-1900 (Our Grammy Hurd)
6. Kate Ellen b. 20 Oct 1913, near Spokane, Mo., d. 28 June 1929, Christain Co., m. on 10 Oct. 1913
to Ferd Gideon.
7. Carrie b. 1899 on Bull Creek, Mo., d.____, lived Oak, California, m. Clovis Kerr
8. Cora b. 1900 Bull Creek, d. ____, lived Everett, Washington
m. Leonard Hammond
9. Ellis b. Oct. 1903 Bull Creek, d. ____,
lived Denair, CA.
1st. m. Grace Boyde,
2nd m. Sara Nancy Hensley
(I see a note I wrote to the side of my sheet: Sara Nance-Newberrie)
10. Joseph Ray "Joe" b. 1907 Bull Creek, d. ____, lived Batesville, Texas.
1st m. Myra Douglas
2nd m. Grace Gullett
James Ross Hilton born 1893 near Spokane, Mo., served with the U.S.Army in France during
WW1, Gassed and shell shocked, worked on oil fields of Kansas during the 20's. Finally died in the Veterans Hospital
in Chicago, Ill. in 1935. Buried Spokane, Mo.
James Ross m. Minerva "Minnie" Edith Thornton b. 1899-1900, daughter
of Henry Thornton and Savannah Foley (Savannah was of the Foleys of Omaha, Boone Co., Ark.) In 1935 she was left
penniless with seven children to raise alone. She did the job at 12 hours of labor for $1.00 (ONE). In 1945 with her
children nearly grown, she married the good man Ernest Hurd of Laconia, N.H. and with him she lived 'til her death in 1973.
(In my Uncle Bill's own words.)
Children of James Ross Hilton & Minerva Edith Thornton were:
1. Mildred "Millie" Maxine b. 9 July 1920 in Eaudevie,
Christain Co., Mo.
1st m. George Sims and had two sons-
Wilburn Lee & James Wilford
m. m. Colin Ross of
West Bridgewater/Brockton, Mass. and had
two daughters-Lu Dawn b. 3/1945Nevada, Mo., & her sister b. 1/1947, Mass.
3rd m. Francis Marian Floyd of
Lumberton, Robeson Co., N.C.
and had one daughter-Barbara Jean.
Our mother, Mildred died 18 Dec. 2004,
and is buried Lumberton, N.C.
2. Ruby Pauline (Ruby Jean) b. 9 Aug 1922 m. Raymond Holliday b. 14 April
1921, he d. 17 Feb. 1971.
Ruby & Raymond had ________ children.
3. Daniel Rex "Billy" b. 1924 m. Martha Alice Dodson b. 1929, daughter
of Bunk & Ruth McCutshin Dodson of Bass, Newton County, Ark.. Billy & Martha had two children:
Cindy Eileen Hilton -Click
James Dodson Hilton
Billy Rex Hilton b. 1924 served as a volunteer into the U.S. Marines Corps -
served through three Wars:
WW 11, Korea & Vietnam, from 28 Oct. 1941 to retirement on 31 July 1966.
4. Edith Geraldine "Gerry"
1st m. Harry Albers
and had 2 children-one son & one daughter.
2nd m. Arthur Wood (no children)
3rd m. Claude V. "Vannie" Barnes (no children).
5. Kenneth Eldon m. Joan Peterson and had 8 children:
Darlene Rose b. 25 Nov. 1952
Kenneth Michael b. 14 Aug. 1956
Lori Rene b. 11 Jan. 1958
Gary Steven b. 29 Jan. 1960
Kelly Anne b. 9 June 1961
James Frank b. 2 July 1964
Michael Sean b. 23 Nov. 1965
Christopher paul b. 1 April 1968
6. Velma "Eileen"
1st m. Jack Burgess and had one son and one daughter.
2nd m. Fred Luff and had two daughters.
3rd m. Danny Rodrigus (no children).
7. Joann 1st m. John Mohney and had one son.
2nd m. J. C. White and had one daughter in Mo..
8. Cora Lee - Was adopted out of the family (newspaper photo & article
of the renuion of Cora Lee and her siblings fifty years later - Located on our Hilton's Photo Page.)
Click Here to Go TO Thornton Page
Click Here to Go TO Billy Rex Hilton's Page - The HILTONS of SouthWestern Missouri
More of Hiltons of Southwestern Missouri:
From: 'The Land of Taney, A history of an Ozark Commonwealth', Ozark Regional History Series, Book
11, The Ozark Mountaineer, Branson, Missouri, 1974, 1983 by Elmo Ingenthron (copy of pages 150-155 sent to Lu Dawn
from the Ozark Library in Mo. in 1980)...We are now in pocession of this book!
The Walnut Shade-Spokane Road
The Walnut Shade-Spokane Road, another alternate route for a part of the Harrison-Springfield Road, was
opened for travel in the early summer of 1882 by R. P. Austin, William Hilton, A. L. Keithley and
his son J. W. A. Keithley.(4)
Mr. Hilton, who then owned the bottom farm in the forks of Bull and Bear
Creek, first conceived the idea of the Chestnut Ridge Road in hope of diverting over it some of the travel from the Harrison-Springfield
Road. Mr. Hilton, like Mr. Boston, wanted to profit from the freight wagon business.
He reasoned that his location at the south end of the ridge road would provide a suitable camp site where he might market
his corn, fodder, sheaf oats and other supplies. The opening of the Walnut Shade-Spokane Road was delayed for a time
because the Boston Road had diverted considerable travel from the old Bull and Bear Creek route of the Harrison-Springfield
The Walnut Shade-Spokane Road followed the main divide between Bull Creek and Bear Creek, known now as Chestnut
Ridge, from the mouth of Bear Creek at Walnut Shade to a point near Spokane in the Wilderness Road and the Harrison-Springfield
From the pen of Judge Keithley, the source of this information, the reader can see how the road was
opened for travel:
"The road machinery consisted of two chopping axes, a hatchet and an ox wagon. The power was a yoke
of oxen and transportation was one gray mare.
"I was the driver of the oxen; old man Hilton was the surveyor. His surveying insturment was a tomahawk.
We began at the Walnut Shade end of the route. I think it was in May or June. Hilton
was about 70 or 75 years of age, and he rode the gray mare. We could see her a long way off, as there was no underbrush
then. My father and Austin would follow Hilton, and I drove the ox team. We did
not have to cut many trees but had to move the ones that had fallen across the place where the road was to go. The work
went on for a number of days."
According to Mr. Keithley, it took some time to complete the opening-up process. The builders camped
along the way as they worked the road. At that time, it was all a virgin forest and not a person lived along the entire
route. In describing the wilderness through which the road was being built, Mr. Keithley said, "We could hear the howling
of timber wolves at night and the warning of the timber rattlers by day." The present highway that follows the principal
divide between Bear Creek and Bull Creek was, for the most part, built on or adjacent to the Walnut Shade-Spokane route, laid
out by Mr. Hilton, and his small crew in 1882.
Photo from Earl |
Hilton House - Missouri |
The above photo is of the Hilton House in Missouri sent in by Earl Hilton. Earl is sending more informational
pages to add to the website. Thank you Earl. Can hardly wait to get your info & data on your Andrew and others
Have you visited a local Church lately ?
Walnut Shade Cemetery
Taney County, Mo.
T24N R21W S34 From Hwy 65, turn east on Hwy 160. Cemetery is located on right,
just east of intersection of Hwy 160 and SR Hwy 176, near Community Church. Several unmarked/fieldstone-marked graves
are found here.
Hilton |
Jasper |
N. |
CA 1843 |
5 Oct 1880 |
h/o Sarah Weatherman; s/o Wm. & Rhoda |
Hilton |
Martha |
Jane |
15 Mar 1830 |
11 Dec 1895 |
2nd w/o William |
Hilton |
William |
Rev. |
26 Sep 1803 |
9 Jan 1885 |
Spokane Cemetery, Christain Co., Mo.
Spradling, Lula Jane "Jannie"
(Hilton) |
Nov. 3 1880 |
Sept. 13 1974 |
(wife of William O.)
D/o Will & Hannah (Bilyeu)
Hilton |
Hilton, Ben |
Feb 12 1888 |
Aug 1977 |
H/o Louisa (Stultz)
S/o William J. & Hannah Elizabeth Polly (Bilyeu) Hilton |
Hilton, Bertha J. "Berta" (Lander) |
Oct. 2, 1875 |
Oct. 19, 1928 |
wife of John L. Hilton
D/o Thomas & Mary Landers |
Hilton, Edith M. |
1900 |
1973 |
wife of James Ross Hilton |
Hilton, Emma J. (Scott) |
July 12, 1836 |
March 27, 1896 |
wife of Samuel Hilton |
Hilton, Ethel Mary (Hunter) |
June 3, 1901 |
July 24, 1963 |
wife of Guy J. Hilton |
Hilton, Flonnie M. (Bedford) |
Aug. 8, 1898 |
Sept. 30, 1941 |
wife of Henry "Harry" Hilton |
Hilton, Gene F. |
Nov. 28, 1903 |
Oct. 27, 1972 |
H/o Nannie (Bass)
S/o Samuel H. & Mary (Carter) Hilton |
Hilton, Guy J. |
Dec. 11, 1898 |
? |
husband of Ethel Mary (Hunter)
S/o Samuel & Mary (Carter) Hilton |
Hilton, Hannah Elizabeth (Bilyeu) |
Jan 23, 1859 |
Jan 12, 1958 |
Dau. of Wiett & Mary Jane (Lewallen) Bilyeu-wife
of Will Hilton |
Hilton, Henry L. "Harry" |
Dec. 20, 1894 |
April 18, 1955 |
husband of Flonnie |
Hilton, James Ross |
Nov 14, 1891 |
May 5, 1936 |
Hilton, John L. |
April 23, 1871 |
April 26, 1944 |
husband of Bertha J. |
Hilton, Louise (Stultz?) Capp |
1878 |
Mar 22 1966 |
W/o Ben |
Hilton, Martha Jane |
June 23, 1836 |
Jan. 25, 1911 |
wife of Samuel Hilton |
Hilton, Margie L. |
May 29, 1925 |
? |
W/o Orion C. Hilton |
Hilton, Nannie (Bass) |
Mar. 24, 1910 |
July 8, 1995 |
Wife of Gene
D/o William Calvin & Nancy Elizabeth (Simmon) Bass |
Hilton, Nellie E.(Carter) |
Jan. 5, 1896 |
Aug. 11, 1984 |
wife of Rudolph Hilton |
Hilton, Orion C. |
Jan 3, 1921 |
July 11, 1962 |
H/o Margie L.
S/o Guy Joseph & Mary Ethel Hilton |
Hilton, Rudolph |
June 11, 1894 |
April 19, 1987 |
husband of Nellie E Carter
S/o Samuel & Mary (Carter) Hilton |
Hilton, Samuel |
Sept. 24, 1828 |
Feb. 8, 1913 |
H/o Emma (Scott)
S/o William & Rhoda (Lawson) Hilton |
Hilton, W.N. |
Aug. 3, 1886 |
June 16, 1963 |
H/o Mary |
Hilton, Will J. |
Jul 21 1855 |
Mar 31 1911 |
S/o Samuel & Emma (Scott) Hilton
Death Cert gives dob as 7/2/1854 |
Holladay, Raymond C. |
Apr. 14, 1921 |
Feb. 17, 1971 |
Christian County Missouri Marraiges - Hilton
Copied while we were there in 1980.
Bilyeu, Martin - Hilton, Margaret E. 18 Dec. 1872
Hilton, William J. - McGinnis, Elizabeth 26 Aug 1874
Johnson, Woodson - Hilton, Mary A. 15 Jan 1877
Clackson, William H. - Hilton, Samantha F. 29 May 1879
Williams, Amos B. - Hilton, Rhoda 29 Sept. 1883
Bilyeu, Willian - Hilton, Livina 17 Dec. 1884
Hilton, William J. - Williams, Polly 29 July 1879
Hilton, Samuel - Mary Carter 28 Aug. 1887
Hilton, Henry - Kentling, Julia 24 Aug. 1891
Hilton, James F. - Hill, Flora 8 Apr. 1894
Spradling, William O. - Hilton, Jannie 9 Jan. 1898
DeWitt, Andrew - Hilton, Minta 9 Sept. 1900
Tyndle, Edward - Hilton, Emma 15 march 1894
Hilton, John - Landers, Bertie 31 Dec. 1893
Hilton, John F. - McGinnis, Della B. 22 Nov. 1903
Hilton, Samuel - Everett Martha J. 16 Oct. 1904
Hilton, Claude E. - Pryer, Ettie A. 18 Nov. 1907
Hilton, B.H. - Stultz, Louise 17 Oct. 1909
Hilton, W.N. - Louis, Maud 1 Jan., 1910
Gideon, Ferdinand - Hiton, Kate 11 Oct. 1913
Harper, Leo - Hilton, Vera 25 July 1916
Maples, Simeon L. - Hilton Emma 25 Jan. 1921
Hilton, Rudolph - Carter, Nellie 19 Mar 1916
Hilton, Ross - Thornton, Edith M. 23 aug. 1919
Hammond, Leonard - Hilton, Cora 30 Dec. 1922
Hilton, John C. - Spears, Mary A. 19 Dec. 1923
Hilton, Harry L. - Choats, Flonnie 3 Sept. 1924
Hilton, Albert - Metcalf, Leta Wise 2 Oct. 1927
Hilton, Ellis - Henslee, Sarah 12 Sept. 1932
Hilton, Max - Wilks, Josephine 27 July 1936
Sims, George (20 taney Co.) - Hilton, Mildred (16 Chestnut Ridge) 3 March 1937
Inman, Raymond Leon - Hilton, Loretta Faye (both of Greene Co. 21 Dec. 1939
Hilton, Joseph (29) - Gullett, Grace (20) (both of Chadwick) 8 Oct. 1937
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John 3: 16
Baptist are big in this family !