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Alls Lineage
Edwin Chauncey Day b. 1880, d. Keene, N.H., Married Blanche Alls
Edwin & Blanche had three daughters, two living 2007.
The following information & data is credited to Harry S. Alls of Colebrook, New Hampshire and given to Lu Dawn by Eleanor Winneford Day.  I can credit Harry S. Alls with this info & data as I have found amongst the handwritten pages (40 total), the following letter:
The Adjutant General
State of New Hampshire, Concord
27 October 1965
Written to:  Mr. Harry S. Alls
Colebrook, New Hampshire
Dear Mr. Alls:
A search of Revolutionary Rolls, New Hampshire State Papers, Vol. XIV, Page 267 shows a William Alls listed on the Rolls of Captain Daniel Wilkins Company in Colonel Bedel's Regiment.  Vol. XV, Page 435 shows him listed on the ROll of Absentees belonging to the First N.H. Regiment, Commanded by Colonel Joseph Gilley - Valley Forge, January 10th 1778.  Place of Residence - Merrimac, Age - 35.
Possibly a request directed to the National Archives, and Chief of Military History Section, Congress Library, would be of further assistance to you.
John A. Cronin
Major, AUS, (Ret)
Personael Adjutant
When you are reading Page 1 that follows below, do you get the same feeling I have?  A feeling of somewhat heavy Sadness slowly sets-in and I wonder what all I could have gained from Grandmother MacKay, Granny Hurd and many others had I just thought to ask them early on !
There is no title given to this work, but it definitely deserves one ! Thus I have given it the title:
The Alls Ancestral Search Results by Henry S. Alls
Page 1
It is not often the case that a person can live their entire life without refering to the accomplishments they could have done and neglected to do so.
Excuses have often been made in later years when these problems were not taken care of many years previous.
My problem is one that at present is almost impossible to solve.
It being almost certain that some time in the near or distant future my GrandSon or Great Grand Sons may ask "Where did my ancestors come from".  This question did not occur to me in my early 20's-30's-40's when this information could have been easily obtained. 
In my younger years most of my relatives were living in this vacinity and their knowledge of their grandparents were fresh  in their minds.
When a family consists mostly of girls and their names change when married and only one or two boys are left it is often the case that their names run out and are forever lost.
I find myself in that situation at present with no chance of a correction.
Page 2
I have known that in the John Little lot in our village cemetery there are tomb stones with the following inscriptions...
Jacob Alls Born 1792 Died 1872
Eleanor M. Alls his wife Born 1796 Died 1882
and on a monument
Eleanor B. Alls wife of John Little, Born 1848 Died 1915.
Not knowing where to obtain any information in regard to their children and knowing that in the Town Clerks office in Colebrook under Vital Statistics, records were found that 'Eleanor B. Alls' father was born in Plymouth, N.H.
When visiting the town clerks office in Plymouth and in a book on file entitled Stearns History of Plymouth, records were found that David Alls father of Jacopb Alls arrived in that town in the year 1790 presumably from Merrimack, N.H. or vicinity.  See Page # 33.
The article also stated that the name was sometimes written Alld or Allds.  Many letters were forwarded to towns 7 cities clerks and public libraries to towns in the vacinity of Merrimack and most all came back with the statement No Record of person by name of Alls.
Page 3
but many persons were recorded as having been born in Merrimack from the 1747 to 1766 whose names were written Alld. 
See Page #34.
Also in twon of Dunstable, Mass. several persons by that name were born in that town from 1742 to 1791.  See Page #35.
Still continuing my search, records were found in the town of Peterborough, N.H. in "Peterborough Historical Records and Documents" to prove beyond doubt that Wm. Alld was born in Ireland in the year 1723 and that he came to Peterborough from Merrimack in 1778, lived on the Bogal farm with his son Samuel and passed away in 1807.  Page # 36.
Not being able to obtain any further information as to time Wm. Alld arrived in America, letters were forwarded to clerks in towns and cities surrounding Massachusetts Bay in regard to records of emigrants arriving in theie ports during the year 1741 to 1744 and in each reply statements were to the effect there were no records of persons by the name of Alld in their files.
Letters were forwarded to the office of Vital Statistics and Attorney General at
Page # 4
Concord, N.H., National Archives and Records Service and our United Sttates Sneator The Hon. Norris Cotton in Washington, D.C. also to may public libraries in Massachusetts but no definite information could be obtained.
As the historical records in the twon of Peterbor9ugh show definitely that Wm. Alld was born in Ireland, it is reasonable to assume that he journied to some sea coast port in Ireland or England and set sail on one of the clipper ships arriving in America near the year 1741 to 1744.
Records in the town clerks office in Dunstable, Massachusetts show that Wm. Alld married Lettice Caldwell (See Page #36) the daughter of Gen. James Caldwell of Revolutionary fame, in that town June 6 - 1746 and that a son by the name of David was born the same year.
Records in Dunstable also record a marraige of David Alld and Maragret Patterson and their children were born in that town 1773 to 1771.  See page #35.
Still further records show that a son David was born on Jan. 19-1769 to
Page # 5
John Alld and Sarah Phillips. See Page #35.  Taking into consideration that a David Alls arrived in Plymouth, N.H. in the year 1790 it is very reasonable to assume that he was the person who changed his name from Alld to Alls when he arrived there on the above date.  See Page #33.
"Sterms History of Plymouth" shows that David Alls married Lydia Wells March 8th 1790 and their ten children were born in Plymouth from 1791 to 1814.  See page #33.
Tomb stone records on my grandfathers grave in the East Columbia Church Cemetery show that Henry F. Alls was born in 1818 and no doubt was the son of Wm. Alls the third child born to David and Lydia Alls.  See Page #33.
Henry F. Alls at the age of 23 years, journied to Littleton, N.H., where he met, wooed, loved and married Sophronia Kay a very beautiful black-eyed maiden of 17 years and where their first child Alfred N. Alls, my father, was born in the year 1841.  See Page #31/
When calling aty the town clerks office in the town of Columbia information was found that all vital statistics records were destroyed by fire prior to the
Page #6
year 1873.  Therefore no records of births of my uncles and aunts can be obtained only from headstones in our cemeteries.
Register of Deeds office in the town of Lancaster, N.H. record the transfers in the year 1843 of Lots # 4 Range 7 -8 in Columbia to Henry F. and Sophronia K. Alls and no doubt were the lands that cleared for farms and where their six children were born from 1843 to 1860.  See Page #31.
After the death of my grandfather in 1873 my grandmother came to Colebrook and make her home with her son Frank until his death in 1904, after which she lived with our family on Pleasant St. until her death in 1909.
While living at home in my younger days nothing was ever spoken of in regard to where my family lived during their early married life or anything whatever about my uncles or aunt who lived in this section frfore leaving homw to shift for themselves.
And now having waited so many years before taking into consideration that a record should be left to be referred to should anyone wish to do so.
The task was much greater than was
Page #7
anticipated but the effort was worthwhile.
Although the information on the preceding page may not seem to be wholly correct in every detail, it is the most accurate of anything that can be obtained at present and must stand until such time in the future that somethin better or more correct can be found.
Having followed through all known leads for imformation obtained and recorded from many sources it would appear that whcih has been found would be positive proof of our ancestors before the arrival of David Alls at Plymouth in 1790.
David and Lydia Wells Alls, and some of their childrens families lived their entire lives in that town and no record as yet has been found regarding theri sons or any of their children who could carry on the family name.
It is not possible to find a more complete record than that which has been submitted and I trust it will be very satisfactory to those who may have the satisfation of having learned a little more regarding the Alls Family.
Page # 8
Further information will be found on thefollowing pages that will show in detail the family of my grandfather and grandmother, Henry F. and Sophronia K. Alls from the time their children were born in East Columbia and the families of their decendants down through the generations to the present time.
Page #9
Henry F. Alls.  My Grandfather.
Born in Plymouth, new Hampshire in 1818.
Died in East Columbia 1873.
Buried in East Columbia Church Cemetery.
Sopronia Kay.  My Grandmother.
Born in Littleton, New Hampshire in 1822.
Died in Colebrook 1909.
Buried in East Columbia Church Cemetery.
Their Children:
Clara                       See page #31
Born in Columbia in 1857
Died in Columbia 1873 of Black Diptheria at the age of 16 years.
Buried in East Columbia Church Cemetery.
Herbert                    See. page #31
Born in Columbia in 1863.
Died in Columbia in 1890.
Buried in East Columbia Church Cemetery.  He was accidentally shot while hunting with his brother and lived only a few days.
Page # 11
Durban                       See Page #31
Born in CVolumbia 1843.
Died in Colebrook 1873.
Buried in Colebrook Village Cemetery.
Jane Pychon Gilkey
Born in Colebrook in 1850.
Died and buried in Florence, Mass. in 1920.
No Children.
Her 2nd Marraige.
Jane Gilkey Alls
Married George Henry Benson
Born in Maine in 1847.
Died and buried in Florence, mass. in 1901.
Their Children:
Thomas I. Benson now living Lynfield, Mass.
Lucy M. Benson now living in Northhampton, Mass.  Married Maurice March.Their Children:
Phyllis Jane March Gliddon now living in Northhampton, Mass.
Richard March.  Now living in South Amherst, Mass.
Page # 12
Frank                         See page #31
Born in Columbia in 1855.
Died in Boston, Mass. in 1904.
Buried Colebrook Village Cemetery.
Elvira Jewett.  No Record of her birth.
Died in Lewiston, Maine in 1930.  Buried Colebrook Village Cemetery.  No Marker.
Their Children:
Born Colebrook in 1876.
Died in Colebrook in 1904.
Buried in Colebrook Village Cemetery.
Edger                    See Page # 31
Born in Columbia in 1850.
Died in West Somerville in 1930.
Buried in Medford, Mass.
<arried Josie M.  Date of birth & death unknown.  Buried Lewiston, Maine.
Page # 13
Their Children:
Charlie Born in Massachusetts in 1872
Date of death and burial unknown.
Married Mary E. Norton
Birth & death & burial unknown.
Their Children:
Mildren & Lillian
2nd Wife of Edgar
Francis Liza Dobson
Born Oct 8 1867 Bouchte near Morretoy, N.B.
Died in West Somerville, Mass in 1940.
Buried in Medford, Mass.
Their Children:
Emma Mae
Born Oct 16, 1905
Married Dec. 12, 1935 Kenneth Campbell born May 8, 1906
Their children:
Philip born Sept 26, 1941
Susan born Dec 23, 1944
Page 14
Emily                        See Page # 31
Born in Columbia in 1845
Died Los Angeles, California (1912-1920) 1923
Buried in Mortuary in LasAngeles, California.
Martin Burt                    See Page # 31
Born in Columbia in 1841
Died in Colebrook in 1892
Buried East Columbia Church Cemetery in Burt Lot No marker or record on monument.
Their Children:
Charlie                  See Page # 31
Born in Columbia in 1870
Died in LosAngeles in 1956
Buried in LosAngeles. Date & burial unknown.
Married Lizzie? Marion Ritchie
Birth, Death & Bruial Unknown.

2nd Husband of Emily
Joseph Mace or Mare              See Page # 31
Birth, Death & Burial Unknown
Page # 15
Alfred                See Page # 31
Born in Littleton, N.N. in 1841
Died in Colebrook in 1927
Buried Colebrook Village Cemetery
Enlisted in Co 1 First New Hampshire Heavy Artillery and served during the last years of the Cival War.
He was the last G.A.R. Veteran to pass away in Colebrook.
Sarah Jane Noyes
Born in Columbia in 1845
Died in Colebrook in 1920
Buried in Colebrook Village Cemetery
Their Children:
Abbie born 1863 in Columbia
Died in Columbia in 1868 of Black Diptheria
Buried in Colebrook Village Cemetery.
Blanche born Colebrook in 1883
Died Colebrook in 1960.  Keene, N.H.
Buried in Colebrook Village Cemetery.
Edwin C. Day
Born in Pittsburg, N.H. in 1880
Their Children:
born in Colebrook, N.H.
Married Irving (Manning) Woodbury
Their ChildrenMargaret Ann m. Lawrence Driscoll
Lora Jane
Eleanor (Winneford) born Colebrook
Married Lester Fassett
Their Children:
Paul Lester born Feb. 8, 1943
Judith born Oct. 12, 1941
Page # 17
Francine born Colebrook
Married Harry Bolles
Their Children
Walter Edward & John Allen
Born in Stewartstown, N.H. in 1866
Died in Colebrook in 1953
Buried in Colebrook Village Cemetery
Married Elsworth Young
Born Colebrook 1863
Died Colebrook 1931
Buried Colebrook Village Cemetery
Their Children:
Carl Born Colebrook in 1883
Died in Colebrook in 1905
Drowned in Androscoggin River near Errol, N.H.
Page # 18
Rae born Colebrook in 1894
Died Colebrook in 1963
Buried in Colebrook Village Cemetery
Served in World War One.
Married Inez Stoddard
Born 1899 Died Colebrook in 1961.
Born Colebrook in 1894.
Married Chas. Cummings
Born in Colebrook
Died and buried in Peterborough, N.H.
Their Children:
Page # 19
Born in Colebrook, n.H. in 1904.
Married Kenyon Hollie
Died and buried in Littleton, N.H.
Their Children:
Evelyn born in Colebrook in 1886
Died in Colebrook in 1954
Buried in Colebrook Village Cemetery
Served in World War One
Captured and help prisoner by Germans until end of war.
Married Minnie French
Birth Unknown
Their Children:
Page # 20
Born in Colebrook, N.H.
Married Jane Wallace
Their Children:
Nancy died Nov. 1960
Struck & killed by automobile while traveling from her grandfathers house in Columbia
Steven 2nd Child
Married F_____ Miller
Date of birth and death unknown
Buried in Florida.
Their Children:
Page # 21
Born in Colebrook in 1891
Married George H. Cummings
Born in Colebrook in 1890
Died Colebrook in 1961
Buried Colebrook Village Cemetery
Their Children:
Born in Colebrook
Married B. Brigham
Their CHildren:
Born Colebrook
Married Kathline Clunie
Their Children:
Page # 22
Born Colebrook Sept 5, 1885
Lou Ellen Royal
Born Vt. Sept 22, 1881
Their Children:
Marjorie Died in infancy 1913
Buried in Colebrook Village Cemetery
Born Colebrook Village Cemetery
Carolyn born in Colebrook Dec 10, 1916
Married Richard M. Hughes
Born in Colebrook Dec 17, 1913
Their Children:
Born West Stewartstown Hospital Apr 12, 1950
Nancy born Colebrook May 21, 1939
Page # 23
Wm. Riddell Field
Born Albany, N.Y. 1936
Their Children:
Born June 17, 1965 Glen Falls, N.Y.
Born Jan 27, 1967 Glen Falls, N.Y.
Born Colebrook 1935
Graduated Massachusetts School of Optometry 1959.  Served three years in the
U. S. Army in France and three years at Fort George Meade in Maryland.  Discharged with rank of Captain 1964.  At present oerating own business in Springfirld, Vermont.
Jeannene Dumont
Born Lancaster, N.H.
Married Apr 7, 1958
Their Children:
Richmond born West Stewartstown Hospital 1958.
Mark Stewart born Chinon France 1960
Steven born Chinon France 1962
Lisa born Springfield, Vt. 1966
Page # 24
On the following pages are persons by the name of Alls whos names have been found during my research and who are 2nd or 3rd Cousins or may not be any relation whatsoever.
Herbert Alls whos charge account at Jordan Marsh Co. was listed with our account.
Letter Forwarded to his address in Massachusetts but no answer was received.  Possibly he thought it was from a destitute Cousin who needed a handout.
Vital Statistic Records on Page # 4 Book # 5 in the Town Clerks office in Colebrook record a person by name of Andrew Alls who died in Boston Apr 18, 1918.
His body was forwarded here for burial but no record of parents, place of death or other details and no marker in our cemetery to show where he was buried.
Recent letter from City Hall Reg of Deaths office under date of Feb 15, 1968 report no record of death of Andrew Alls in Boston from 1911 - 1920 inclusive.
Page# 25
Jacob M. Alls                       See page # 2
Born in Plymouth, N.H> 1792 Died 1872
He was first son born to David &
Lydia Alls See Page # 33
Their Children:
Sarah Jane
Eleanor B.
Jacob M. Jr.
Born in Columbia 1852 Died in Columbia 1887
Buried in Reed Cemetery . No Marker.
Married Jane Campbell born in Scotland.  No record of Birht.
Page # 26
Died and buried in Stratford Hollow Cemetery. No Marker.
Their Children:
Born in Columbia in 1886
Died and buried in Colebrook Village Cemetery in 1954.
She lived for many years after the death of her parents with Samueal Alba Noyes My Uncle and in later years was adopted by Joseph Robinson of Barston Que, her name having been changed to Laura Robinson.
After Joseph Robinsons death she returned to Colebrook to make her home again with Alba Noyes and in later years married Allie Bryant.  OPne child whos name is Laurence was born to then and in later years he married Melba Goodwin.
Page # 27
Jacob M. Alls, Jr.
Born in Columbia.  No Record of time of death or place of burial.
Married Nancy J. Frizzell.
Book #2 [age 274 ion Coos County Reg of Deeds Office in Lancaster, N.H. record property in the town of Colebrook transferred in Jan. 1857.
After the death of Jacob M. Alls, Jr., Nancy Frizzell-Alls married joseph Robinson of Brompton Que.  Records show one child born to them who lived around Boston but no further records could be found.
Sarah Jane Alls
Born in Columbia in 1849 Died in Colebrook in 1922.  Buried in Colebrook Village Cemetery.
Married Samuel Alba Noyes  My Uncle.
Born Columbia in 1850.  Died Columbia in 1932.  Buried Colebrook Village Cemetery.
Page # 28
Their Children:
Alice born Colebrook
Died 1963
Buried Colebrook Village Cemetey
Married Frank Burrill
Birth, death and burial unknown.
Alton Born Colebrook 1905
Died 1967 Buried Colebrook Village Cemetery.
Married Carolyn Diregmare
Their ChildreN;
Page # 29
2nd Marraige
Harry hodge born Colebrook 1888 Died 1958
Buried Colebrook Village Cemetery
Eleanor B. Alls        See Page #2
Born in Columbia in 1796. Died in Colebrook in 1882/  Buried Colebrook Village Cemetery
Married John B. Little
Born in Colebrook in 1813 Died 1917
Buried Colebrook Village Cemetery
Their Children:
Lean  2nd or 3rd Cousin
Born in Colebrook died 1956
Buried Colebrook Village Cemetery
Married Lena Marshall born Colebrook
Their Children
Wilber born Colebrook
Married Hilda Hurlbert ?sp
Born in Colebrook
Page # 30
Alfred S. Alls            See Page #37
Born in Plymouth in 1821
Son of Wm. Alls and grandson or David Alls and brother of Henry F. Alls   My Grandfather.
Wyman Alls            See page # 38
Born in Columbia in 1855.  Died in Cooticook Que 1913.
Cousin of my father Alfred N. Alls and son of Alfred S. Alls.
Page # 31

The information recorded on the seperare sheet on this page was not found until all other sources of information had been completed.
The records were in the Bible of Emily Alls and were kept by her during her lifetime and after her death were sent by her son Charles Burt to my sister Blanche M. Day and after her death were forwarded to her daughter Frances (Francine) Bolles in Keene, N.H.
Henry F. Alls born Jan 12, 1820
Sophronia Alls born Oct. 12, 1822
(These are my grandparents)
Alfred N. Alls born Mar. 28, 1841
Darbon W. Alls born Mar. 15, 1843
Edgar A. Alls born May 15, 1850
Frank C. Alls born Mar. 27, 1855
Clara A. Alls born Dec. 29, 1858
Herbert Alls born Spet. 13, 1863
Emily J. Alls born Aug. 6. 1845
Emily Married to Martin Burt Died Jan. 10, 1892  Clipping of his death is in Bible.  Also clipping of Emily Mace Death.  It mentions Gramp Alls & Uncle Ed as brothers.
Emily Mace died Nov. 26, 1923 at LosAngeles
Alfred N. Alls died Jan. 7, 1927 at Colebrook.
Edgar A. Alls died June 30, 1930 at West Somerville.
Martin Burt to Emily J. Alls married Oct 25, 1862
Joseph Mace & Emily J. Hurt married Oct 29, 1894 at Cambridge, Mass.
Chas. D. Burt & Lizzie Marion Ritchie married Nov 7, 1901 at Los Angeles Died Apr 1956, L.A.
Charlie D. Burt born Feb 6, 1870 at Columbia, N.H.  Died Nov. 19, 1956 in LosAngeles, Calif.
All this information was in Emily J. Alls Family Bible.
Page # 32
All the items described and recorded on the preceding pages were compiled by Harry S. Alls the last and only male by the name of Alls known to be living at the present time.
It has been a pleasure and great satisfaction to have been able to record that which has been found in regards to the Alls Clan.
It is also my hope and desire that it will be useful to those who might make inquiries regarding The Alls Family And
From Whense They Came
Harry Shirtliff Alls.  january 1968.
Page # 33
Records of the service of the men in the Alls and Alld family who served in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War are found and the following Pages
Page 41
War Record of William Alls
Page 42
War Record of the follwoing:
Benjamin Alls
Isacc Alld
Wm. Alld
John Alld
(Lu Dawn Notes she does not think these pages accompany the rest of this document)
From Stearms History of Plymouth, N.H.
a.  David Alls, probably from Merrimack or vicinity, came to Plymouth 1790, or the preceding year.  He married in this town March 18, 1790 Lydia Wells, daughter of Benjamin Wells. (see).  He was continuously taxed from 1790 to 1834.  Tradition asserts that he was a good marksman, and that his skill was righly rewarded at the expense of the animal kingdom.  A gun, once his favorite and still having a wise and solemn appearance, is now one of the treasures of Mr. W. G. Hull.  This name is frequently written Alld and Allds.  Ten CHildren were born in Plymouth.
1.  Jacob marsh, b. June 18, 1791 Taxed 1819-1821
2.  Sarah, b. March 20, 1793.  M. Isaac Shute (see).  m. second Peter Draper.
3.  William, b. April 18, 1795.  Taxed 1819-1821.
4.  David, b. Feb. 10, 1797. Taxed 1821-1822.
5.  Melissa, b. Aug. 21, 1800.  m. July 25, 1831, Hart Davenport of Boston
6.  Rosilla, b. April 8, 1802 unmarried died Plymouth, August 27, 1869.
7.  Mary, b. May 13, 1806.
8.  George Washington, b. March 12, 1807.  Taxed 1833-1835.
9.  Weston, b. May 28, 1810
10.  Horatio, b. May 26, 1814
From Town Clerks Office in Plymouth, N.H.
Page # 34
Town Clerk -Tax Collector, Merrimack, N.H.  Letter  June 4, 1965
to Mr. harry S. Alls, Colebrook, N.H.
Dear Mr. Alls,
I find the following to be the children of
John and Abigail Alld:
Jane Alld dob 7-1-1761   b. Dunstable, Mass.
John Alld dob 6-28-1763 b. Dunstable, Mass.
Mary Alld dob 12-19-1764 b. Merrimack, N.H.
Abigail Alld dob 3-20-1768 b. Merrimack, N.H.
The following are children of William and Lettie Alld:
All born in Merrimack, N.H.
William 11-13-1747
Lettie 10-1-1749
James 7-11-1761 NS
Mary 4-9-1753
Hannah 2-7-1755
John 1-21-1757
Benjamin 9-18-1759
Jean 7-30-1761
Sarah 9-3-1763
Samuel 9-25-1766
You might contact Clerk of Dunstable, Mass., for more information, as our records show two of the children were born there.
Yours truly,
Claude M. Maker, Town Clerk
Page # 35
Office of Town Clerk
Dunstable, Mass. July 8, 1956
Dear Sir,
In reference to the name of "Alld", I find a marraige of a David Alld and Margaret Patten, both of Dunstable on Feb. 27, 1772.  There is a son Isaac Colburn Auld born to a John & Abigail Auld Dec. 6, 1759.
This is the only birth record of children born to John & Abigail to the end of the year 1849.  Births under the name of Alld are as follows:
David, s. John & Mary, Mar. 15, 1742
David, s. Sarah Phillips, Jan. 19, 1769
David, s. David & Margret, Oct. 11, 1778
Elizabeth, D. David & Margret, Nov. 15, 1784
Grace, dl. David & Margret, Sept. 3, 1786
Jane, d. David & Margret, June 16, 1780
Jen. d. David & Margret, Feb. 12, 1777
John, s. David & Margret, March 16, 1782
Margret, d. David & Margret, Nov. 17, 1774
Mary, d. David & Margret, Feb. 26, 1778
Rachel, D. David & Margret, Aug. 11, 1791
William, s. David & Margret, Nov. 28, 1788
This is the extent of birth and marraige information that my records have on this family name that you have inquired about.  Fee, for above informtion $1.00
Very turly yours,
Doris M. Bourbennie
Town Clerk, Dunstable, Mass.
Page # 36
June 25, 1965
From History of Plymouth, N.H. by Stearns
Alfred S. Alls
Alfred A. Alls, son of-------------, and grandson of David, b. Sept. 14, 1821. m. Dec. 2, 1844, Sally F. Eastman, b. Hopkinton, July 11, 1824, dau. of Samuel and Jemima (Flanders) Eastman.
He settled in Columbia, and there his children were born.  In 1863 he removed to Coaticook, P. Q.  His wife d. in Coaticook, July 3, 1888.  He then removed to Charlton, Mon., and is there a prosperous farmer.
Seven Children:
1.  Elsie J., b. June 12, 1846. d. Jan. 16, 1863.
2.  Mima A., b. Sept. 4, 1849. m. Jan. 25, 1866, Alexander O. Fletcher and provisions in Coaticook several years.  He now resides in Auburn, Me.  They have six children.
3.  Henry N., b. June 8, 1851. d. May 23, 1870.
4.  William O., b. March 20, 1853.
5.  George Wyman, b. Oct. 26, 1855.  M. 1873 Lizzie Andrews.  Lives in Coaticook, P. Q.
6.  Flora J., b. Dec 12, 1857. m. 1875. Burnham Converse of Barnston, P. Q.  She died May 22, 1885.
7.  Charles W., b. Nov. 14, 1861. m. May 7, 1888, Ella Choute.  She died 1889.  He res. with his father in Montana.
Page # 37
Records Re. Family of George Wyman Alls
Taken from the stones in Coaticook Cemetery.
Geo. Wyman Alls
Eliza C. Andrews
His Wife
Margaret N. Welch
Also His Wife
Myrtie E.
Infant Baby
Grace M.
Wife of A. T. Christie
ALSO ON STONE IS record of
Husband of younger girl
Wilbert Neals, husband of Winifred Alls
Two other sons-George would be born about 1896 and Howard born about 1900-1905.
George is dead have no record of him.
Howard - younger son and daughter Winifred left this section years ago and we cn find no record of where they now reside.  Friends seem to think that Howard is dead.
Signed-John N. White, President of Cemetery CVommittee. 98 Maine St. West.
Coaticook, Que.
Page # 38
From Historical Records in Peterborough, N.H.
Hist. Peterborough, n.H.
Capt. William Alld b. Ireland in 1723; came to Peterborough 1776 from Merrimack  Was twon treasurer 1783. 1784, etc.  On sommittee for Amendment of Const. 1782.
mar. Lettice Caldwell
b. 1725  d. 5 Mar. 1807  ae 82
d. 25 Aug. 1805  ae 82
In complete list of children:
Johm b. 1758 d. 14 July 1790 ae 34
Benjamin b. 1759  d. 4 Nov. 1823 ae 65
mar. Nancy White; served in Revolution
Janny b. 1762 Mar. Capt Robert Swan.
Samuel b. 1766 Mar. (1) Martha Swan;  (2) Lydia Perry
Caldwell Gen. - Typescript - Hist. Soc.
p 23 William Caldwell - Londonderry & Chester
James (2) Londonderry & Bedford
b. abt. 1700, mar. 23 Oct. 1724 Newington Lettice Murdock of Newington b. abt. 1702 d. 29 Nov. 1776 Bedford; ae 74
6 Children
2nd was Lettice b. 1727 d. 5 Mar. 1807 Peterborough-80th yr.
mar. 6 June 1746, Dunstable, William Alld of Merrimack.
Merrimac - Old Dunstable
Dunstable V. R.
David Alld b. 6 June 1746 son of William & Lettice mar. 27 Feb. 1772 Margaret Patten, both orf Dunstable
Children b. Dunstable:
Mary 26, Feb. 1773
Margaret 17, Nov. 1774
Jean 12 Feb. 1777
David 11 Oct. 1778
Jane 16 June 1780
John 18 Mar. 1782
Elizabeth 15 Nov. 1784
Grace 3 Se[t. 1788
Rachel 11 Aug. 1791
Page # 39
Should be aPage # 40
Missing other pages.
The widow of Wm. Alld make application for a pension.  This pension was granted to her by Act of Congress dated July 7, 1838 at the rate of $80.00 per year.  Total amount that she was to receive was $400.00.
Records also show that Wm. Alld in the spring of 1781 reenlisted in the 7th Massachusetts Regiment and served until the close of the Revolutionary War.
Further records show that Wm. Alld went down into the British Provinces and lived there until his death.
No further record can be found in regard to place of death or burial.
A letter received from Robert C. Smith of Hollis Center, Maine states that his Great Grandmothers name was H____ Alld Clark and that two of her sons John & Samuel lived for many years in York, Maine and were buried there in the Old Cemetery showing no headstones.

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