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Billy Rex Hilton - HILTONS of Southwestern Missouri

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Billy Rex Hilton - Uncle Bill

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A number of years ago my Uncle Billy Rex Hilton  put together the lineage of our Hiltons as we know them in a twelve page booklet entitled "HILTONS of Southwestern Missouri"
What follows below is the result of that work:
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Title Page: 
"The HILTONs of Southwest Missouri"
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The following relatives and/or friends of the Hilton name have either contributed directly or in-directly to make this profile possible:
James L. HiILTON...Co-Auther "Hiltons of Scott County, Virginia"
E. Frank HILTON...Co-Author "Hiltons of Scott County, Virginia"
Lelia HILTON Neal...Co-Author "Hiltons of Scott County Virginia"
John MITCHELL...1902 North Old Orchard, Springfield, Mo. 65802
O. B. HILTON...Route No. 4, Gate City, Virginia, 24251
Hazel Esther HILTON BRIGHT...of California
To all Hiltons of the present and the future...I have carefully researched...referenced...corrected...wrote and rewrote this profile and if by chance I have commited a small error, I ask your fore-giveness.
As I look into this calendar of Hilton generations I find it to reflect the evolution of America.
Permission to use and re-produce any part of this effort is granted herewith to any person of an honest heart.
8730 Shenandoah Place, Tucson, Arizone, 85720
(Uncle Billy Rex now resides in Ark.)
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Notes and comments for reference only.
1621  William HILTON arrives at Plymouth, Mass. aboard the sailing ship FORTUNE.  This was the first ship to arrive after the MAYFLOWER.
1623  Williams wife, sons Benjamin and William along with Williams brother arrives.
1627  William (son of William 1621)) moves to Dover, N.H.  Williams brother Edward also moves up to Dover and later to Exeter, N.H.  Edward had several children by his second wife, some of these names were Jonathan-William and Samuel.  I would like to alert the reader to watch for these names because they will run for over 300 years in the Hilton lines recorded herein.  Several Hiltons are to be found in Hew Hampshire at this late date.
1633 - 1660  Captain Willian HILTON explored from Cape Fear southerly along the Atlantic coast to Florida.  Hilton Head, North Carolina bears his name.  Could it have been his reports that encouraged the Hiltons of New England to move southward into St. Marys County, Maryland?
The Hiltons of St. Marys County, Maryland are woven into all facets of American life from pre-colonial on through the war of independence.  The Missouri HILTON line begins with Andrew who died in St. Marys County.
The Maryland Hiltons were all of the Episcopalian faith and this church was an off shoot of the Church of England.
1776  Truman HILTON enlists into the First Company, roll of regular troops in the jurisdiction of Maryland.
1780  James HILTON deserted the Third Maryland.
1778  John HILTON remained loyal to the Colonies. (page 64 Minute Book for March 1778-Maryland).
1784  John HILTON leaves St. Marys County, Maryland with his family and at least five brothers and settles in Guilford County, North Carolina, now Randolph County.
1790  Samuel HILTON (1766 - 1830).....the fourth son of John (1784 above) leaves Randolph County, North Carolina and settles in the area now known as Scott County, Virginia.
1840  William HILTON and his brother Enos Bird (sons of Samuel (1766-1830) leave Scott County, Virginia and settle in Southwest, Missouri.  They will be joined later by three nephews and their older brother Jonathan Taylor HILTON.  (To Mo. in 1860s his son Jonathan W. in 1850s) in Southwest, Mo.  also.  Jonathan Harmon HILTON and his brother Abraham Fulkerson HILTON follows the migration into Missouri in the 1850s.  Both of these Hiltons are sons of Samuels eldest son John (1788).  Jonathan Harmon settled in Pulaski Co., Mo. near Waynesville.  Abraham Fulkerson HILTON enlisted into the Confederate Army and was killed in Missouri...probably at the battle of Wilson Creek now a National Monument near Springfield, Missouri.  Reportedly George HILTON of Linden, Texas is his decendent.
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As an aide to the reader, the following information is made available and/or clarified hereon:
To eliminate confusion and for the sake of immediate identification you will find a date immediately following post names, this is the birth
year of that individual and I have found it to be a positive means of identification.  Remember there are many HILTONS with a common first name.
To identify the right son of the line of decent, you will notice that I have used the asterisk (*).
If the date preceeds the name, this date means the year of the event.
Immediately after the name, two dates means the year of birth and death.
Historic documents you should know about:
1688 is the ealiest offical record in Maryland relative to a HILTON and it is:  John HILTON appointed administrator to the estate of Samuel Maddux (Liber 13, Folio 209,274 and 367 Maryland Hall of Records Annapolis, Maryland.
1668 John HILTON and John HILTON take title to land, records of the Land Office, State of Maryland.
1679  Peter PAGEN Master of a ship transports a John HILTON and several others into Maryland.  (Liber #2 Folio 539 Maryland Hall of Records).
1676  On 15 April, Robert HILTON and 29 others were...transported as charges of a Captain BODDY Master of the ship Cecilius (Liber #15 Folio 369 Maryland Hall of Records).
I now ask the question how long did our ancestors stay in servitude to Lords of Manor as lease holders or worse before they could take title to land?
1790  the first U.S. Census lists two families of HILTONs remaining in St. Marys County, Maryland.  They were:
Frances HILTON three sons-two daughters and four slaves.
Mary HILTON a widow with one son and four daughters.
Fifteen HILTONs from seven Maryland Counties were listed as the Heads of Household.
1788  on 14 August John HILTON of Randolph County, North Carolina.....the father of Samuel HILTON of Scott County, Virginia dated his will. 
This will was probated in the June 1790 term of court, will book no. 1, page 80 for Randolph Co., N.C.  Samuel, his son inherits 290 acres of land.  Samuel returns briefly to N.C. takes title to and sells his inheritance.
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John HILTON (son of Samuel 1766) had a wife by the name of Nancy and her maiden name was FULKERSON, her fathers name was Abraham FULKERSON, this was the clue that identified one of the early Missouri HILTONs (Jonathan Harmon HILTONs brother) Abraham Fulkerson HILTON.  This name FULKERSON traces to Derick VOLKERTZEN a Norwegian who, in 1645 was granted land which is now the 17th ward of Brooklyn, New York.
More on Samuel HILTON 1766 see Virginia Baptist Ministries Series 1 of 1859 evidently this is a book on the early Baptist Church and has many kind words to say about this ancestor.
More on Enos Bird HILTON 1800 fourth son of Samuel 1766.  This Hilton is extremely important to the Missouri Hiltons.  Therefore, he has this special note:  He had two wives.
First wife and children:
Susanah SUSAN (died 1833)
Matthew 1824
Marton 1826
James 1827
John Anderson 1829
Matilda 1831
Second wife and children:
Anna BAILEY (married 1833)
William 1839
Enos F. 1844
Ellen (Eleanor)  1836
Mary J.  1838
Nancy G.  1840
Sarah (Lary Ann) 1843
Elizabeth G.  1847
Some of Enos Bird HILTON decendents say his middle name was Anderson but this was the middle name of his son John 1829 (above).  He was probably named after the John ANDERSON, builder about 1782 of the well known landmark "Anderson Blockhouse" located on the Daniel Boone WIlderness Trail.
More on Jonathan W. "Jackie" HILTON sons of Samuels 1766 third son Jonathan Taylor HILTON 1795.   "Jackie" made the Gold Rush of California returned to Virginia, collected his family and about 1850 moved to the area near present day Crane, Mo.  He is buried in "Old Tavern" Cemetery in Crane, Mo.  Page 7 for more...on this nephew of WIlliam 1803 and Enos Bird 1800.  His father Jonathan Taylor HILTON 1795 came out to be near his son about 1860 following the death of his wife in Va.  He would have been about 65 years old and there is no evidence that he re-married.  He is buried in the HILTON Cemetery, Stolton (I think in Narry County near Crane, Mo.).   # see page 6 and 7.
Remember this complete profile on Missouri HILTONs is tracing the line of Andrew thru the William 1803 of Missouri.  However, we must identify...these other important Hiltons as we go.
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Relationship established between the HILTONS of Scott County, Virginia and Southwestern Missouri.
The line from Andrew HILTON of Maryland father of Randolph County, North Carolina John HILTON will be briefly charted hereon to show the relationship of these two large groups (Virginia and Missouri).
Andrew HILTON of Maryland father of 13 children of which 5 were sons that migrated to North  Carolina.  He names all the children in the inventory of his will dated 16 August 1746, St. Marys County, Maryland.
John HILTON of Randolph County, North Caroina, five children.
Samuel HILTON of Scott County, Virginia, five children, all sons. 
This is an important individual to this work as he is the father to John 1788, the one that stayed in Scott Co., Va. and really developed the family there.  Here is where the clan splits with Samuels two sone William 1803 and Enos Bird (Byrd) 1800 moving to Southwest Missouri in 1840 with their families.  To be joined later in Missouri by sons of John 1788, they were, Jonathan Harmon HILTON and Abraham Fulkerson HILTON both believed to have settled in Pulaski Co., Missouri in 1850.  Samuels son Jonathan Taylor 1795 also contributed to the Missouri move by his son Jonathan W. who moved to Missouri in the 1850s with his family.  To be followed by Jonathan Taylor himself after the death of his wife about 1860. #The story would not be complete without Aaron 1791, he moved into East Tennessee and we think to be the origin of the HELTON line.  Aarons family did move two times back to Scott County, Va. for burial in the Darthula Cemetery during the Civil War, this indicates that they were near Bristol, Tenn.  # see page 12.
John H. HILTON of Scott Co., Virginia, nine children.
This is the son of Samuel that stayed behind in Scott Co., Va. and he is the principal character of the book "Hiltons of Scott County Virginia 1967" (40 pages very limited).
James Henderson HILTON of Scott County Va., nine chikdren.  This is the Hilton that made all this information possible by keeping a trunk of historic information, which covered five generations of Scott Co., Va. Hiltons and other legal documents that date back to 1798.  John Henderson Hilton died about 1939 but for reasons unknown his truck was not opened until 1964.  He was the son of John H....

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This sketch is not to scale and is intended to show on one pieve of paper the key geographical landmarks in Scott County, Virginia and Southwestern Missouri.
Jonathan Harmon and Abraham Fulkerson HILTON the sons of  *John 1788 that followed their uncles William 1803 and Enos Bird 1800 into Missouri.  The sons of John came out in 1858 settling in Pulaski County, Missouri.
Samuel HILTON 1766-1830 (buried at Hiltons, Virginia.)  He is the father of:
* John 1788
Aaron 1791
***Taylor 1795
**Enos Bird 1800
**William 1803
**see next photo scan of Page 7 of 12
*** To Missouri in 1850 following his uncles Jonathan W. "Jackie" son of Jonathan T.
**To Missouri 1840
(Use bar to scroll scan of photos of maps back & forth sideways.)

Right Side og Page 7

The 1850 Census of Scott Co., Va. Verifies Jonathan "Jackie" to have a wife and four children.  They had nine more after his 1850 move to Mo.

Left Side of Page 7

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From Andrew (1675-1746) of St. Marys County, Maryland to James Dodson HILTON (1961-) of Arizona.  It is possible to pick  a son and trace 19 Hilton lines from this chart.  (nine generations shown)
It is a major effort in tracing a certain family line.........keeping it historically accurate and easily readible.  Therefore, sons only have been listed in the groupings of this page.
Andrew HILTON date of birth unknown to 1746
Probably born...certainly lived and died then buried in St. Marys County, Maryland.  John 1720-1790 below, with power of attorney from the brothers in North Carolina returns briefly sometime 1784-1790 to St. Marys County to settle un-married sister Marys estate.
* John
Andrew Jr.
John HILTON 1720-1790 
About  1784 (at 64 yrs of age) leaves St. Marys, Co., with his family and about five brothers and their families.  These HILTONs settled Guilford now Randolph County, North Carolina. (researches remember that John 1720 had five brothers to start HILTON lines in Randolph Co., N.C.  research from 1784 suggested)
* Samuel
Rev. Samuel HILTON 1766-1830
Having been converted to the Baptist faith as a follower of Youbal Starnes moves his family to what is now Scott Co., Va.  The year 1790.  1795 Returned briefly to N.C. and clained his inheritance 290 acres of land which he immediately sold.
John 1788
Aaron 1791
Jonathan 1795
Enos Bird 1800
* William 1803
Rev. William HILTON 1803-1885
1840 with his family and brother Enos Bird and his family left Scott Co., Va. and settled in South Western Mo.
1st Wife:  Phoda Lawson
* Samuel W.
Frederick J.
2nd Wife Martha Craig
Isacc (Ike)
Rev. Samuel Wilson HILTON 1828-1913
Moved with father and mother to Mo. 1840
* William
William HILTON 1803-1885
(note:  more complete info/data follows on next page)
One iof the first Hiltons to be born...in Missouri
* James Ross
Ellis Joseph
James Ross HILTON 1893-1935
Born ...lived and buried Spokane, Mo.
* Billy Rex
Kenneth E.
Billy Rex HILTON 1924 -
Born in a log house known as the old "Strong Place" near the old Enterprise School on Bull Creek, Mo.
* James Dodson
James Dodson Hilton 1961 -
Born...U.S> Naval Hospital, San Diego, Calif. 30 Apr. 1961.
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Samuel HILTON 1766-1830 Born in St. Marys County, Virginia, moved with family to (son of John 1720) Randolph Co., N.C.  Converted to Baptist religion and mover on to Scott Co., Va.  Buried at Hiltons, Va.
Married Nancy BIRD (BYRD) Daughter of Enos Bird (Byrd) a prominent Virginia and North Carolina (coastal area) name.  1787 Married to Samuel.
Children of Samuel & Nancy
John 1788
Aaron 1791
Jonathan Taylor 1795
Enos Bird 1800-1884
* William 1803
William 1803-1885 Born in Scott Co., Virginia.  In 1840 with his bro. Enos Bird moved with respective families to South West, Mo.  Buried at Walnut Shade, Taney Co., Mo.
Married Rhoda Lawson (1st Wife)  1803-1859 The daughter of William LAWSON, a Revolutionary War Veteran.
Children of William & Rhoda
* Samuel Wilson
James L.
Frederick Jasper
Jan Price McNutt
@nd Wife Martha Craig
Children of William & Martha
John A.
Henry L.
Isacc (Ike)
Continue with Samuel Wilson HILTON top page 10.
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Samuel Wilson HILTON 1828-1913 Born in Scott Co., Virginia.  Moved with family to Mo.  Married and lived out his life in the Spokane, Mo. area.  Buried at Spokane, Mo.
Married Emma jane Lee Scott 1836-
Children of Samuel Wilson & Emma Jane
* William
Mary Green
Rhoda Vista
William HILTON b. 1855 d. 1911
Date of birth and deth not available but buried at SPokane, Nissouri.(Have since retrieved dates shown above)
1st Wife D.  McGinnis
Children of William & D. McGinnis
Sara E,
2nd married Polly Ann Bilyeu
1861-1958  Pollys exact birth date is uncertain.  However, about the era 1935 and while she was alive it was common knowledge and undisputed by her that she was a Cherokee orphan.
She was visited throughout her lifetime by Jess Oliver a full blood Cherokee, he claimed her as a first cousin.
She appeared to be Indian.  She was raised as a BILYEU and this name pre-dates the Louisiana Purchase from France.
(also known as:  Hannah Elizabeth"Polly" Bilyeu)
Children of William & Polly
Mary Jane
* James Ross
Kate "Karrie"
Joseph (Joe)
James Ross con'td top page 11
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James Ross HILTON 1893-1935 Born near Spokane, Mo.  Served with the U.S. Army in France during WW1.  Gasses and Shell Shocked worked the oil fields of Kansas during the 1920's.  Finally died in the Veterans Hosp. at Chicago, Ill. 1935.  Buried at Spokane, Mo.
Married Minnie(Minerva) Edith Thornton 1990-1973 Daughter of Henry THORNTON (her mother was a FOLEY out of the FOLEYS of Omaha, Boone Co., ARK.)  In 1935 she was left penniless with seven children to raise, alone.  She did the job at 12 hours labor for (1) dollar.  1945 with her children nearly grown she married the good man Ernest HURD of Laconia, New hampshire and with him she lived til her death in 1973.
Children of James Ross & Minnie Edith
* Billy Rex
Kenneth Eldon
(note: Mildred is Lu Dawn's mother)
Billy Rex HILTON 1924-   Enlisted as a Volunteer into the U.S. Marine Corps...served thru 3 wars WWII, Korea and Vietnam.  28 Oct. 1941 to retirement on 31 Jul 1966.
Married Martha Alice DODSON 1929-   Daughter of Bunk and Ruth McCUTCHIN DODSON of Bass, Newton County, Ark.
Children of Billy Rex & Martha

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The sketch below, shows the area of Scott Co., Va. (formed 1815 out of Russell, Lee and Washington Counties) after the arrival of Samuel 1766  about  1790-92.
The large circle to the left on the sketch denotes:
HILTONS Burial place of Samuel 1766.
The smaller circle to the right of the large circle denotes:
Fannie RAMEY HILTON (wife of Jonathan Taylor HILTON 1795) born 2-9-1772 died 3-2-1860 and buried at Darthula, Cemetery.
The small circle to the right of this one on page denotes:
As of 1971 Great-Great Grand Daughter inhabits Samuels 1766 Farm. (Decendent of John 1783).
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End - Page 12 of 12 - The HILTONS of Southwestern Missouri

Rev. Samuel Wilson Hilton & Family

Rev. Samuel Wilson Hilton

Click here To read the National Register of Historic Places Registration Form and all about the Fulkerson / Hilton House Rte. 1 Box 77, Hiltons, Scott Co., Virginia. This is a 15 page document with much valuable info/data in PDF format. REMEMBER to click the back button top left of page to return here to the Billy Rex Hilton's Page on our website!

Family Photo of William & Polly Hilton


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This Page Dedicated to Our Uncle Billy Rex Hilton - Hats off to you Uncle Bill!

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