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We are pleased to have in our pocession, books written by Great Angus Hector MacLean! 
The following photos & drawings taken from two of his books, bring us much closer to feeling a touch or so, of what he and the other family members must have experienced as they grew up in Seal Cove!
Please read down through this entire page as it holds valuable info & data from Frank MacLean and Catherine Gillis Urquhart of Nova Scotia you will not want to miss!

Drawing from Book "God and the Devil at Seal Cove"
Old Scaggly Tree Still Standing in Photo That Follows

Drawing of the Old MacLean Homestead as found on inside page of Uncle Angus's Book.  Compare to the photo that follows below sent in by Catherine Urquhart of Nova Scotia!
Note the bay in the background!  Lovely drawing!

Photo Sent In By Catherine - Thank you!
Present Day photo of The Old MacLean Homestead

Sent In By Frank MacLean
Black Neil & Maggie MacLean's Newer Home

The above photo sent in by Frank MacLean of Sydney, Nova Scotia.  Frank says: 
Here is a pic of Black Neil and Peggy MacLean's house; the latest one.
The first one was to the left of the pic and down the field about 50 yards.
It is totally gone but I saw the old stone foundation a couple of years ago.

Photo Sent in by Frank MacLean
The Scaggly Old Tree at Neil & Maggie's Home

In reference to the old scaggly tree, Frank MacLean writes:  PIcture No.2 "the old Scraggly Tree."  Took this pic a couple of years ago while on one of  sojourns to Orangedale and Seal Cove. 
It is the old tree mentioned in Angus Hector's writings.   I have seen this tree many times;  and it is still standing.   In fact, I saw it a month or so ago while returning to Sydney from West Bay-
Catherine Urquhart's.   This tree is about 50 + feet to the left of the house.

On August 15, 2007, Catherine writes:
Hi Lu...havn't forgotten you, but I have had alot of company. After our conversations, I was anxious to reread  God and the Devil , and what a hard time finding it but I did. When I first read it, its at least over 12 yr. ago, we went over and took a picture of the Mac Lean house and I placed it in the book. I was amazed to see the old  scraggly tree as in the drawing at the front of the book. Thought it might be of interest to you. I have been by it many times since & don't think it has changed much.

Drawing By Uncle Angus 1969
Front Cover to Book, "I Began In Cape Breton"

Is the building in the above drawing the 'School House'?  I believe it is.

Drawing Cover of "God and the Devil at Seal Cove"
Note Man at Water Well Pump, Dog, and the Goose

Carol poses a question related to the above photo on the front of Uncle Angus's book...this house does not match the present day house still standing on the property at Seal Cove and most likely is not the smaller originally home built on the property by our great grandfather, Neil MacLean...sooo, what is the story about the house in this drawing?  Who is drinking at the well/ And who is peeping around the corner at the far end of the house?  Is that a pipe extending from the house up by the upstairs window?  Notice the hat and the pick in the forefront of the drawing.

Malagawatch Church Prior to Removal to Iona, CB, NS

Re: The above photo of the Malagawatch Church:  Frank MacLean Writes -
Today I found the attached pic of the
church prior (1 year) to it being moved to Iona.

Malagawatch Church Loaded onto Barge
Ready For Transport - 2003

Frank MacLean Writes:  Newspaper clip was taken when church was moved from its foundation on November 23, 2003 and hauled via road to the
Lake, placed on the barge and set sail for Iona. 

Docked at Iona - 2003
Ready To Be Relocated

Frank MacLean Writes:  This photo shows the church just "docked" at Iona, within
24 hrs.,  then prepared to unload and haul up the road and a steep hill to be placed on the new foundation.

Malagawatch Church After Moved to Iona, CB, NS

Larger Photo of Same - Magalawatch Church at Iona

Re:  The above photo of the Malagawatch Church, Comments by Frank MacLean -
This picture is the final resting spot of the old Presbyterian Church that came from Malagawatch.  As you will remember, in 1925 the United Church of Canada obtained
this church and it is still known as Teh United Church.  They really spoiled The old church by putting wallboard  up during the re-construction which covered up the orginal
wide wooden boards.
A few more changes HAD to be made
bacause the Steeple was "rotten" so it was replaced.  If you could see the site, it sits on the top most part of the hill at the Highland Village at Iona, CB NS- areal bright and  wonderful sight overloking the "Big Bay" of the Bras D'Or
Lakes.   Perhaps Later I will send some additional pics,  when I find them.  Note.  In the first pic prior to moving,  if you look hard enough you will see a small Church
behind the orginal church- It is the present Presbyterian Church at Malagawatch. 
Thank you Frank -
Your photos are Prescious Treasures

In the following map, a copy of the map drawn by Uncle Angus, found on the page following the cover page in his book "I Began In Cape Breton", you will find I had to place it here in full original size and darken it so you can easliy read what Uncle Angus wrote in his very own handwriting! 
You will have to use the up/down and side-to-side scroll bars to view all the details this map has to offer.

Map of MacLeans, Drawn by Uncle Angus in His Book
"I Began In Cape Breton". 1969

The MacLeans
'Thoughts & Memories'
This page holds stories and accounts of the lifes of our MacLean Ancestors.
Thankful praise and gratitude goes to those of you who have submitted these stories and accounts to add to our knowledge, info and data in delightful, real life accounts about the lifes of these, our MacLean ANCESTORS!
Thank you:
Frank MacLean
Catherine Urquhart
Frank's 'Thoughts'
I. Frank H. L. MacLean, would like to give notice of this "Family Tree", have created many (too many) files on a lot of topics within this tree.  I have spent many hours and traveled throughout Cape Breton to compile the names and addresses with dates of birth, death and other facts.  I started out with about twenty-four (24) names of close relatives and this now has grown to over 500+ references with about 150-180 names NOT YET classified.  I thought about "merging" the data from all the files but decided to just print the files.
Many files are "repeat data" BUT with a little "twist" but containing data that I felt should be contained in the files; thus, the repeat data.  For this I make NO apology.  If you are interested, in any way, then you will have to "wade through" it all.  Thank you.
Frank H. L. MacLean
#4-105 Spruce Haven Drive
Sydney, C N NS
B1S 3M1
This tree was started in 1994.  The Main file is Relative 2005, Excel File where everything is compiled in one file.  Most important see the Clan Code file and Places file to read who is who and the abbreviations of places.  A explnation of the Reference in the Relative file is explained in its own file.
Here I want to thank all those people, too many to mention for fear of leaving someone out and my sister Blanche MacLean who got me started.  Thank you again. (ed.)
Today, I thought I would do a 'rambling' document or thoughts, that I can remember to mention.  This will be of a 'random' format and I do not just know where it will lead!  here goes:
Ten minutes later - have been thinking just how to start and I still am at a loss,  I think that I shall begin with the MacLean side of the family.
If I go back to 1806 and 1809 I come across two people, John Neil MacLean and a Mary MacLean, both, I believe John Neil came from Achda, Scotland, and Mary MacLean (maiden name) from Hyne, Scotland; both places believed by me to be on the Isle of Coll.  This statement will suffice at present.  In the year of February 1840 at the approximate age of 37 and 34 they were married, perhaps in Achda, Isle of Coll, because this couple were tenant (farmers?) at Acha.  I assume that they were farmers for today, I have not heard or read anything else to change my thoughts.
On May 18, 1841 their first child was born, John (Ian)* D. MacLean.  He was baptized on May 29, 1841 at their local church (believed to be Presbyterian).  Then is 1843 on August 10, a second son was born to John and Mary MacLean who was named Neil MacLean, baptized in same church on August 10, 1943.  *-(Ian) being a Scottish name for John.

Sometime in 1844 John Neil, Mary and the two boys set sail for Cape Breton and arrived in Safe Harbour, later to be known as Port Hawksbury.  From a story that was mentioned to me, the family perhaps walked overland to a place called Blue's Mills, rested a time (length of time not known) and then left for a section of Cape Breton, in Inverness County, known as Valley Mills.  They were not the first settlers there for many Scots arrived much earlier at Valley Mills.  John Neil and Mary acquired a farm and settled in to perhaps farming and raising a family.  Through the years from 1844 to 1853, five additional children were born:
Hector Grant,
Donald Dan
and Flora.
*-Allan married a Johanna MacLeod from Island Point on Boulardarie Island, Victoria County, CB.  This couple were my grandparents.
I have data on all of the family members with dates of birth, death, where lived. spouses, their children, where most are buried, etc.  To find these, please look for a file called RELATIVE.2005 which is an Excel file for information on most of the MacLean Family by John Neil and Mary.  More narrative as I go on in this document.
Here, I would like to give the dates of birth and death of my grandparents, Allan and Johanna.
Allan MacLean  1846-1932  (86)
Johanna (MacLeod) MacLean  1852-1929  (77).  Both buried at MacLean Cemetery, Stewartdale, CB, NS.
Before I go on with data and information of the children of my grandparents, I would like to insert some data of John Neil and Mary MacLean.
John Neil MacLean,  Isle Of Coll
1806-1854  (48)*
Mary (MacLean) MacLean, Isle of Coll
1809-1891  (82)
*-John Neil "Ur" MacLean was given this extra name by the residents around Valley Mills.  The "Ur" was a designation by the Scots as being a newly arrived settler.
In a book written by their grandson, Rev. Angus Hector MacLean, son of Neil,
(Black Neil) MacLean* and Peggy MacRae that wrote in his book, "God and the Devil at Seal COve", perhaps printed in 1976 that an error was made.  It is noted here that John Neil died at the age of 38 from a axe wound made to himself while splitting wood, but this was his older brother John D. who died at age 38 from the named wound.
*-The nickname "Black Neil" came about in later years because he had black or very dark hair.  The rest of the family were Light haired-blondish.
Here, I wish to get back to my grandparents of Allan and Johanna.  First of all, I shall start with Johanna.
Johanna was the eighth child (JCLo8) of John and Christy MacLeod of Island Point, Boulardarie, CB.  Her father did not believe (as the story goes) that there was any man good enough for his daughters so Allan and Johanna eloped via rowboat from Island Point to Baddeck a distance of nearly 18 miles or (29 Km) on November 3, 1874.
It is supposed that they lived in or around Valley Mills and/or River Denys till about 1884, when they bought a farm in Stewartdale, a small community about 4 miles (6 Km) from the village of Whycocomagh, CB.  Their property was up the hill behind the church (MacLean Presbyterian) for many years.  Both are buried in the family plot at MacLean Cemetery.  The family plot is to the left alongside the old church foundation.  The church was burned.
If anyone reading this knows and/or have been to visit Dr. D. R. MacLean, DDS, in either Sydney Mines or Sydney, might have noticed a large framed picture taken from the back of the house (old homestead).  This picture is now in my possession.
The family of Allan and Johanna consisted of the following children.  The spouses and grandchildren are listed in the aforementioned Lotus file, now changed to an Excel format.
RELATIVE.2005.  The children are: see Relative LA J01-06
1.  Christy Flora 1875-1959 (84)
      Lived in Gillis Cove - buried in Orangedale.
2.  Mary jane (Molly)  1877-1936  (61)
     Single, lived and buried Boston, Mass.
3.  John Dan (Johnnie Allan) 1878-1959  (81)
     Lived Orangedale-Buried Stewartdale
     (MacLean Cemetery).
4.  Duncan Robert 1880-1965  (85)
     Lived in Sydney Mines/Sydney
     Buried Forest Haven Memorial, Sydney.
5.  Neil J.  1882-1905  (23)
     Residence unknown, Buried Stewartdale.
6.  George MacKenzie MacLean 1895-1895 (3
     days),  Buried - Stewartdale.
For a list of spouses and children of the above people, see the file Relative2005 (Excel) JNeilMary..
The fifth son of John Neil and Mary MacLean, Hector Grant (LJNM05) married a Jessie Matheson of perhaps the Little Narrows area.  Jessie 1848-1927  (79) was the eleventh child of DonaldBahn Matheson, Donald being a son of Donald Bahn Soldier Mathson.  She married Hector Grant MacLean and they lived at Seal Cove, CB.  Here we see a connection to the MacLean/MacDonald family.  Jessie was the granddaughter of Donald Bahn (Soldier) Matheson and Christy MacDonald who was the sister of "Old" Angus MacDonald who married Catherine niece of Donald Bahn (Soldier) Matheson.  WOW!!!!!  See WP file Donbahn and Matheson.Doc.
Old Angus MacDonald and Catherine had a son Angus who arrived in Little Narrows circa 1819-22 (see Next pages).  Then Angus married an Ann SMith and they had a son Murdock (plus others) who married a Isobel MacPherson and then the story begins.
It is like I said on page 1, just "Thoughts" that come to me as I type.
While on the this subject, Jessie (Matheson) MacLean (above) brought-up a niece named 'Mary Ann Campbell MacLean Matheson.'  Mary Ann was Jessie's fist cousin, daughter of Norman Matheson, grandchild of Donald Bahn (Soldier) Matheson.  Starting to get complicated here! (ed)..... ) Inbreeding?
Mary Ann married her first cousin, Malcolm (Painter) Matheson.  Malcom was the son of Donald Bahn Matheson (young Donald) the ninth child in the family.  It is interesting to note that Jessie who brought-up Mary Ann was a sister to Malcom (Painter).  Malcolm 1843-1941  (98) and Mary Ann 1854-1944 (80) are buried at Little Narrows cemetery-marker found.
In the MacLean family, especially that of Allan and Johanna, was a son, 'John D MacLean.  In that era, so many John's existed that he was nicknamed Johnny Allan, after his father.  If you are familiar with the area of Seal Cove, John D. had the second farm beyond Munroe Bridge in the direction of Malagawatch.  His vocation was that of importing western horses and operating saw-mills.  Up the road were his uncles, ie., Black Neil, Donald and John D.  John D. was the third child in the family - 1878-1959 (81).
John D. (Johnny Allan) married a Margaret MacQueen.  She died 12/21/1942, and Uncle John sold the farm and moved into the Village at Orangedale.  He lived there until his death in 1958.  DOB 11/10/1878    DOD  07/07/1958  (80).  Prior to his death he married the second time to a Sarah MacLeod of Whycocomagh. 
Margaret- 1878-12/21/1942 (82) is buried in the family plot at Stewartdale with Allan, Johanna and the rest of the family;  Sarah and John in a separate plot in Stewartdale.
The eldest in the family was "Christy Flora" or Aunt Christy who married a Neil L. Gillis of Gillis Cove, CB.  He was a farmer in that area.  See Lotus files on LJNM00 in Relative Wk1.  Next-Mary Jane (Molly) who left home at maturity and went to Boston to work.  She died there and is buried somewhere in Boston, Mass.  DOB 04/16/1877 to 1938 (61).
The fourth child in Allan and Johanna's family was Duncan Robert MacLean, DDS 06/26/1880 - 07/21/1965 (85).  He married Christine Catherine MacDonald of Little Narrows (our mother) 1898/1970 (73).  Both buried at Forest Haven Memorial Cemetey, Glace Bay Highway, Sydney, NS.
The second last child in this family was Neil John 12/26/1882 - 02/01/1905, aged 23.  He is buried in the family plot in Stewartdale, CB. I really have no data on Neil.  I will add to this paragraph if I receive any data.
The final child born to this family was George MacKenzie MacLean  06/28/1895 to 07/01/1895 (3 days).  No data at all.  Buried in Family Plot at Stewartdale, CB, NS.
MacDonald: -and others
I, as well as my two sisters, Isobel J. (MacLean) MacDonald and Blanche M. MacLean are a product of the marraige between Murdock MacDonald and Isobel MacPherson (Alba).  Murdock being born and raised in Little Narrows, CB.  I shall have to give a little background on these two people.
First, Murdock (1842-1909  (67) was the fifth child of Angus (Elder) MacDonald and Ann Smith of West Bay area.  Angus (Elder) MacDonald was a son of "Old" Angus MacDonald, married to Catherine daughter or niece of Donald "Bahn" (Soldier) Matheson of the Isle of Lewis, Scotland.
I am not sure whether "Old" Angus came to Cape Breton or not.  Angus (Elder) arrived in Cape Breton circa 1819 or 1822 (aged 19 =/-).  With him were two friends John MacRitchie and Murdock Smith; all settled at Little Narows, CB, all arriving from the Isle of Lewis, Scotland.
Angus (Elder) married an Ann Smith but to date I have been unable to trace down Ann, including any dates and where she is buried bur will endeavour to trace her.  Their family consisted of:
John S.
Alex (Sandy).
See Lotus Files Augusmdg.wk1 & Relative.wk1 for data).
Now, son Murdock, 1842-1909  (67) married a Isobella MacPherson from perhaps Alba area.  Isobella 1853-1956 (103) was the daughter of Donald and Jessie (Wilson) MacPherson, of Arichat/Alba.  Murdock and Isobella were the parents of my mother Christine Catherine MacDonald.  Christine married Duncan Robert MacLean DDS (see MacLean's above).  Murdock and Isobella had the following children:  See Relative.2005/Excel 01 to 10.
1.  Angus John  1876-1945 (68)
     Married, lived and buried in BC.
2.  Robert Alex  1878-1887 (9)  buried LN (?)
3.  Murdock Dan  1884-1885 (1)  Little Narrows
4.  Donald Peter (DP) 1879-1954  (75)
     Married, lived and buried in Sydney.
5.  Annie Catherine 1881-1936  (53)
     Married, lived and buried in BC.
6.  Jessie Belle 1883-1936  (53)
     Married, lived and buried Boston, Mass ?
7.  Alexander Robert* 1887-1964 (77)
     Married, lived and buried Sydney.
8.  Mary (Mae) Sarah*  1887-1972 *-twins
     Married, lived and buried in Boston, Mass.
9.  Fred William 1890-1953  (63)
     Single, buried Little Narrows (with parents).
10.  Christine Catherine  1897-1970  (73)
     Married, lived and buried Sydney.
I would like now to endeavour to make a related connection between Christine Catherine (MacDonald) MacLean and her husband Dr. Duncan Robert macLean, DDS.
Duncan Robert was the son of Johanna (MacLeod) MacLean.  She was a sister to DoLena MacLeod  1848-1868 who married Christine's uncle Angus MacDonald 1838-1917.  Another sister to Johanna was Margaret (MacLeod) MacAuley JCL02-1835-1902, eldest daughter of John and Christy MacLeod, Island Point, CB.  Margaret's son Dr. J. Fraser MacAulay married his first cousin DoLena, 1868-1958 daughter of Angus and DoLena (MacLeod).  DoLena MacDonald being a first cousin of Christine and Dr. J. Fraser being a first cousin to Duncan Robert.  i think I'll rest my case on this connection.
Agnes (MacLeod) MacGregor (JCL05), our grnadaunt, the fifth child of John and Christy MacLeod married Donald MacGregor from Militia Point, CB which is between West Bay and Malagawatch.  It is noted that there were two children, Jessie married a Donald MacIntosh of Militia point, while son Malcolm remained single.  Here I have to think that perhaps there was another girl, Mary.  If Mary existed, it is thought that she was single.  There was a dauther who married a Gillis from Gillis Cove.  These Gillis' had a daughter by the name of Agnes, granddaughter of Agnes MacGregor.  Annes Gillis married a William MacPherson from Alba.  :Bill" was the son of Alexander and Mary MacDougal.  Alexander was a brother of Isobel (MacPherson) MacDonald, our grandmother and she Christine (MacDonald) MacLean, wife of Dr. D.R. would be a cousin of Bill MacPherson.
Bill's wife Agnes was a granddaughter of Agnes (MacLeod) MacGregor thus making Dr. D.R. MacLean and she cousins.  Christine MacLean being part MacPherson also made Agnes and she cousins.  Weird.....Also weird, an uncle of Agnes (Gillis) MacPherson, Neil D. Gillis married a JohnEna MacLean daughter of John (Ian) D. MacLean, uncle of Dr. D. R. MacLean.  JohnEna and her brother Alexander hugh (Sandy Christy) also being first cousins to Dr. D. R. - again a MacLean/MacPherson/MacDonald/MacLeod connection.
Really, family members, we have two other connections through the MacLeod's.  Anna MacLeod (JCL06) daughter of John and Christy married a Donald Murdock MacLean of Boulardarie and North Sydney.  Here we have relatives as Murdock (Dr. M.T.), Lena, Annie, Tena and Robert (Big Bob).
Another connection was daughter Jane MacLeod of Island Point who married a John MacLeod and lived at Leitche's Creek, CB.  Their children included James (Wild Jim), John, Roderick (Australia) and Lena-married Norman Johnston of Leitches Creek.  See file Johnson.Doc.
I visited most of the old homesteads and the local cemetery of these people at the "Creek".
A couple of years ago, my sister Blanche, a cousin Peter Dockwrey and I travelled to Little Narrows trying to find names and dates o fthe Family on the MacDonald side.  We were very fortunate to be directed to Jennie MacLean, daughter of Robena (MacDonald) Ross to a cousin Stanley MacDonald of South Cove.  He informed us of many of the people that we were looking for in Little Narrows.  Since most, if not all, were deceased, we went directly to the Presbyterian Church Cemetery and began searching for grave markers.
We first looked throughout the newer part of the cemetery but found our that  there was an older part which we visited and found many of the names, dates and data we wanted.  It was in the old part that we found Angus "Elder" MacDonald, our great grandfather but could not find his wife Ann (Smith).
Later, talking with Stanley MacDonald, he informed me that perhaps that All (Smith) MacDonald could be buried in a MacRitchie plot; believe she had that connection.  To dat I have been unable to find out anything but will renew my efforts this summer ('97).  I did, however, travel to West Bay this last summer and scanned the Black River Cemetery and found Ann's brother Donald Smith (I think).  I am not certain at this date, until I revisit the grave that perhaps "Ann MacDonald 1810-1844 (34) could be the person that I am looking for but the dates do not seem to "jive".  Later.  yes, Ann (Smith) MacDonald here is our great grandmother !  August 07 FHLM
It is thought that Ann SMith was one of the Smith family from Port Hood and perhaps her father moved to West Bay and settled on one of the island farms that are in the West Bay area.  I have not been able to find out anything about this as yet.
To this point and beyond by "Thoughts" will continue to ramble from peole to people and family to family - in no real order.  As the file name suggests:  "Thoughts"
Please bear with me.  Frank (ed.)
Sandy & Margaret (MacRitchie) MacDonald
Here, I shall have to back up a bit to give some prior data on Alexander (Sandy) MadDonald (DAA07).  Sandy was married twice.  His first wife was a Mary MacAkill but she died at an early age of 40.  Later Sandy married a Margaret Ann MacRitchie, perhaps from the local area.  It is thought that one evening circa 1886 that Sandy and Margaret, along with their 1 or rwo year old son, set out to cross the Bay to Bucklaw from perhaps South Cove and met with a tragic accident.  Apparently the sleigh went through the ice and the three were drowned.  It is said that the horse survived and came home.  It was then that people realized that something happened.  This took place sometime in February, perhaps 1886.  A grave marker in the old part of the Little Narrows cemetery has been found.
I do not at this time know who his first wife was, Mary MacAskill.  I am of the thought that there may be a connection of Margaret MacRitchie with the Mathesons mentioned in previous pages - will investigate.  To my knowledge,  there were four children in Sandy MacDonald's family.  I do not know just which was the mother of whom. 
The children included:
Charlotte (Matheson)
Jessie (MacKay)
Mary (Lockhart).
I have no data on the children.
It is interesting to note here that after Sandy and Margaret drowned, Sandy's brother Peter 1940-1919  (77) took the children and brought them up.  He and the children, it is thought, lived with Angus "Elder" and Ann MacDonald - not cetain.  I am led to believe that the old homestead was in the vicinity of South Cove and/or Hazeldale (?).  No data except who their spouses were (see previous paragraph).
If you go back to the first three pages or so, the following is continued data on the MacLean family.  Reading around pages 488 to 498 History of Inveness County, Nova Scotia by J. L. MacDougall printed in 1922, you will find the following passages:
p. 492 at half pg. - "One Neil macLean (Neil Ban) a native of the Isle of Coll, came with his wife and family about 1830 in the immigrant ship "Dunlop" and settled first at Blue Mountain, Rear of Port hastings in the immediate neighborhood of the home of the paternal grandparents of Allan MacLean, Councillor for South Whycocomagh.  After some two or three years they moved to Seal Cove where they settled and prospered.   The sons Donald and Malcolm took up lots adjacent to their father's lot.  A son Allan went to the United States.  The son John married Christy Cummings, Hugh married a Miss Ferguson.  All are dead this many years.  John's and Hugh's families are scattered and the farm is now owned and occupied by Allan MacLean, a grandson of Neil (Ur) MacLean of Valley Mills.  The son Donald had three sons.  Donald (Donh'l og), Neil and Murdock all of whom settled in Seal Cove, married and had families.  There were several dauthers all of whom married."
The above data from the book could have some errors. This Neil (Nial Ban) is either John Neil and Mary (MacLean) MacLean with his two soms who arrived in 1844 not 1830.  It is believed by me that the author is incorrect; if not,  then this Neil is not my grandparent.....?  The farm bought by Allan MacLean from the Cumming's could be the property of John Dan MacLean (Johnnie Allan) who raised horses, imported western horses and many saw-mills.  Propety is beyond Munro Bridge at Seal Cove.  Don't really know about this until I investigate some more.
pg. 496 - last of first paragraph- ".....Kate and Dan A. MacKinnon, merchant, Iron Mines."

"We stated above that Neil (Ur) MacLean acquired the John Cummings lot adjoining the Matheson lot.  This Neil was a late immigrant from Coll, hence the addition Ur to his name to distinguish him from the old Neils.  He died comparatively young leaving five sons and two daughters.  The son John remained on the lot and married a daughter of Ellen MacDonald (Christy) of Seeley's Cove, and died many years ago leaving a family who now own the lot.  Two sons, Neil and Donald acquired a lot known as the Compton Mill Lot, at Seal Cove, and each died there lately leaving a widow and family.  A son Allan, acquired a lot at Whycocomagh (Stewartdale) and is still living.  A son Hector, acquired the Howard lot as already stated.  Two daughters, margartet and Flora died unmarried. 
Next to the Neil Ur MacLean Lot, upstream is a lot now occupied by Kenneth Blue who acquired it from his father....."
In the paragraph starting, "We stated above.....", this John was J. Neil and Mary MacLean.  The two sons, especially Neil was Black Neil married to Peggy MacRae.  Donald was actually Donald Ban, married to Mary MacRae, Peggy's sister.  Allan who acquired property in Whycocomagh actually did so the Stewartdale, up behind MacLean Presbyterian Church, church burned many years ago.
In regard to Neil's and Mary's two daughters Margaret and Flora, it is known that both were seamstresses, one went to Boston; the other to Toronto.  Whether either of them returned to Cape Breton - not known.
As a form of direction about the MacLean Family, let's journey from Orangedale along the road to Malagawatch and/or West Bay (route number not known).
After leaving Orangedale the first road-bridge we come to is the Munro bridge.  We cross it and continue on.  The first property on the right was that owned by Alexander Hugh (Sandy Christy) MacLean, on a low hill.  The next property is the Cumming property (?) that belonged to our Uncle John D. MacLean (Johnnie Allan).  It is now owned (1997) by either a Smith family.  There is (were) lines of trees on each side of the driveway.  The old Red Barns may still exist (?).  The next property on the left is the old property of Neil (Black Neil and Peggy (MacRae) MacLean.  This is where one of the unmarried sons spent his last day (I think, Allan).  Behind the old house that is now gone was a railway bridge.  Across the road parallel to this property either brother Donald or Neil's uncle Hector lived-property now gone back to forest.  The next property, beyond, was either another brother or uncle; on the left or right, don't know for sure which is which.
Then we come to a left turn, up a hill to the railway tracks, Malagawatch Station.  Driving on a mile or so we come to two small bridges, Crowds Bridge.  Crossing here we drive about 0.5 km and turn right at the crossroads.  Beyond this for a mile or so we will see a small building on the left.  This was the old Schoolhouse.  Up the hill about a half-mile we come to an open property (as of 1996) on the left.  This was the Blue property.
The property previous (left) was the home of J. Neil and Mary MacLean.  No building exists on this property today.  The property was passed down via perhaps transfer and/or selling.  Do not know just who owns it at present.  It was the home of a Mrs. Jessie (MacKinnon) MacLean, Orangedale who is the curator of the Orangedale Museum at the railway station.
Beyond this property about half mile, on the right, toward River Denys, we come to a farm belonging to Malcolm Blue.  Malcolm's wife is the daughter of Margaret Vatcher, Union St., Sydney.  Margaret Vatcher was the daughter of Keith Malcolm or John MacAulay of Malagawatch.
Returning on this road to the crossroad and continuing straight on toward West Bay, we come to Malagawatch.  Along this route about 4-6 km from the crossroad we come to a bridge (wooden) at a left turn.  A few metres beyond, on the right we see a large white house.  There are no outbuildings here on the property.  Across the road, waterside, there used to be a store and a cattle barn, this is the property of the late Malcolm MacAulay and Margaret (MacLeod).  Margaret being the eldest daughter of John and Christy MacLeod of Island Point, Boulardarie.  See around pages 3-5.
Carrying on a few kilometers, on the right we see a large old church, Fulton Presbyterian, now belonging to the United Church.  Next is the newer Presbyterian Church.  About 4-5 km beyond, off the road is the Fulton Cemetery where quite a few relatives are buried, MacLeans, MacLeods, MacAualys, etc.  Beyond this cemetery is Militia Point, Marble Mountain and then West Bay.
Along this highway, either between Militia Point and Marble Mountain, we see scattered islands.  It was on one of these islans that our great grandmother was brought up, Ann (Smith) MacDonald.  Do not know the name of her parents.  No data at all.
I do know that their daughter (Angus/Ann) Annie married a Donald Morrison of Big Bras D'Or.  Again, it would appear that they had only one child Malcolm 1855-1932 married a Jessie MacDonald (?) 1856-1931 and had six children:
Dan A.
Alla (Sodero)
Anne (Dick)
Janet (MacLeod)
Margaret (MacKay)
I do not have too much data on this family except they lived on Boulardarie Island, CB.  See file Angusmcdg.wk1-DAA02
The remaining children of Angus and Ann have/will be mentioned in this document-either prior pages or beyond here.
NOTE:  March 19, 2001.  Today I received a telephone call from Mrs. Johanns (Duncan) MacKenzie of West Bay BOE 3KO CB.  She was a MacLean that was brought up on MacLean Island in West Bay opposite Marble Mountain.  Her father bought a farm on this island from a Smith family prior from Port Hood.  Mrs. MacKenzie knew this family and told me that there was not a Smith girl named Ann or Anna Smith on that island.  She did not have any information as to who she was but fairly certain that Our Great Grandmother Ann Smith married to Angus "Elder" MacDonald of Little Narrows was not from this place.  It would appear that I must go in some other direction in order to find Ann Smith.  I will keep the records "as is" for now until I can gather other data.  If not, I will stand "pat".
I wrote to Mrs. MacKenzie some time ago as well as a second letter to Barbara MacKay of West Bay seeking the same information.  Later! (ed.)
I have just finished re-reading the book, "God and the Devil at Seal Cove" by Rev. Angus Hector MacLean, son of Neil (Black) and Peggy MacLean of Seal Cove.
During the re-reading of this book I now have a little more cognizance of the wealth of data about the family with which he has written.  Not too much is mentioned about the grandparents of the author; MacLean's and MacRae's but enough to confirm previous data found.  There have been some things that I was able to cull that warrants some mention here.  It is to be remembered that this segment deals with what is mentioned in the named book.
John Neil MacLean (LJNM00), the beginning parent of this 'clan" of MacLean's of Valley Mills mentioned that he had a brother Alan who remained in Scotland and a sister Effie who moved to Australia - New South Wales.
Mary (MacLean) MacLean, wife of John Neil, had a brother that settled in Toronto, Ont. - no dates.  pgs. 2 & 5.
On page 6 is mentioned that J Neil was of the Lochbuie Clan while his wife, the Duart Clan.  All the family went with the Duart Clan.
On page 8, the author, Rev. Angus Hector explains the meaning of his book.  While growing up religion was very important but always tempted by the devil and the actions within the book depict this aspect of living at Seal Cove.  Here also, the old "adgae" of no work on Sunday, no real activities and all chores, except for the animals, to be done on the Sabbath was well adhered to.  All God's Command, if not, it was the Devil's doing.
This book deals with the author's immediate family and neighbors, being his uncles and cousins.  pages 18-20 deals with the location of Seal Cove and unless you are familiar with this area you might not get a "mind's view" of the area.  I have visited the immediate area and found the area of the barn and cabin.  I am not too sure if the house (old) on the present location is the final house built by Black Neil or not.  If it is, when you drive in the driveway and look to the left, a newer house is there near the old basement of the cabin.  I believe that it is or was built by a German or a Dutchman - not sure. 
If traveling to Malagawatch the remaining houses by his brothers follow along this route to Malagawatch Station, then on to Crownds Bridge and on to Valley Mills and West Bay.  As of the above date, most of the properties have gone back to forest and difficult to detemine just where these property boundaries are.
If, when leaving Orangedale on this same highway, the first real bridge you approach is Munro Bridge.  Here there are two bridges: on highway and the other one Railway.  The new highway to the right of the old.  At the bridge look left and you will see the last house which belonged, as I know it, to a MacLean Family, no relation.  After crossing, on your right you will see a house on a small hill.  This was the home of Alexander Hugh and Christy MacLean (Sandy Christy's).  He was the son of John (Ian) D. MacLean.
The next property on the right once belonged to my uncle, John D. MacLean or Johnnie Allan.  Up the road, on the left is the beginning of the properties of Black Neil,
Hector and Dan MacLean.  The first property seen is that of Black Neil and Peggy MacLean, close to the upper railway bridge. From here the previous paragraph is relevant.  It is this area that I spent some time at Uncle John's and Dad's uncles and cousins.
Now jumping quite a distance in the book, we come to the passage where as a young boy, the author went to work for a MacGregor family some miles from his home.  This family is believed to be Donald MacGregor who married Agnes MacLeod from Island Point.  Agnes was a sister to Margaret MacAulay of Malagawatch and also a sister to Johanna MacLeod married to Allan MacLean. my grandfather.  Daughter, Jessie MacGregor married Donald MacIntosh of Militia point and from previous pages you can see how family members were  close neighbors.
If you read around page 48 you will see the name of Merchant Dan.  He was Dan Martin who had a store in Orangedale and his wife Emma was the daughter of Margaret MacAulay [Malcolm (see above)].
On page 45 (top of page) describes me to a "T."  Here he (author) talks about Green Malcolm- "a singing voice that would disturb a salamander," I have the same type of voice.  Thought that was quite funny.
As of the above date, this article has been somewhat edited and I do not apologize for any mistakes - in any form!
Frank H. L. MacLean
The Following from Frank MacLean
John Neil MacLean (Lochbuie Clan) and Mary MacLean (Duart Clan)
John Neil MacLean* 1806-1854  (48) Buried at Malagawatch, Inverness County, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.  Lived at Valley Mills, CB, NS.
Mary MacLean w/o John Neil* 1809-1891, Buried at Magalawatch.  Lived at Valley Mills until John Neil died then with Margaret (MacRae) MacLean (Black Neil).
MacLean Relations Buried in nova Scotia
1.  John Daniel (aka Ian) deceased, 1841-1879, buried magalawatch, lived Seal Cove, Inv, CB, NS. 
Christine MacDonald, w/o Ian, buried with husband, 1851-1881
2.  Neil (Black Neil) 1843-1920, buried Magalawatch along with Peggy, his wife (1852-1912)
3.  Margaret MacLean 1844 - ?  no data
4.  Hector MacLean 1847-1908 Seal Cove, buried Magalawatch, wife, Jessie Livingstone 1845-1932, lived at Seal Cove, buried Magalawatch
5.  Alan MacLean 1845-1927, lived Stewartdale, buried at MacLean Cemetery, Stewartdale. Wife Johanna MacLeod 1852-1929, Stewartdale and MacLean Cemetery
6.  Donald Dan MacLean 1851-1908, Seal Cove, buried Magalawatch with his wife, Mary MacRae (sister to peggy), 1927.
7.  Flora MacLean  1853 - ?  No data
*-J Neil and Mary MacLean; Neil of Lochbuie Clan while Mary was Duart Clan.  In Cape Breton as the family grew up they switched to Mary's clan Durart Clan and has stayed there.
John D. MacLean*
*-Johnny Allan MacLean by Frank H.L.MacLean
This small file is an after thought to all the files that I have created in this Family Tree.  I was thinking, "Is there another file that I need or perhaps create?"  I thought about it and the only one that I could think of on the MacLean side was Uncle John.
John Allan, really being John Daniel MacLean.  The Allan came from his father; our grandfather, married to Johanna (MacLeod) MacLean.  By looking at Relative.2005 file uncle John is listed under reference of LAJ03, the third child of the family.  He and the rest of the family started life at Valley Mills (I believe) but grandfather Allan bought a farm at Stewartdale.  This property was up the hill behind the old MacLean Presbyterian Church and they (children) went their own way in adulthood.  It is my knowledge that Uncle John bought the old Cumming's farm at Seal Cove, Cape Breton.  This is a place that I have very fond memories.  I do not know anything about his younger years and very little about his adulthood as years passed.  If you look at the above name file you will see him listed as LAJ03A first.  This reference of "A" is that he married twice.
First marraige was to Margaret MacQueen from the Portage area of Inverness county or some times called South Side Whycocomagh.  John and Margaret lived at Seal Cove until Margaret's death on December 21, 1942.  She is buried in the MacLean Family plot at Stewardale Cemetery.
After Anut Margaret's death he sold the property and moved into Orangedale and later married Sarah MacLeod of Whycocomagh, a school teacher, and they lived there until John's death in November 10, 1878 to July 7 1958 (80).  John is also buried in his own family plot at Stewartdale along with his second wife Sarah.  Bothj referenced as LAJ03B.  At this time I do not have dates of Sarah's DOB/DOD.
Getting back to Johnny Allan, it is my belief that he ran saw-mills in Inverness County as well as imported and sold western horses around the county.  For years he was the Church Treasurer of Orangedale Presbyterian Church.  Uncle John, to my knowledge was a self made man, responsible and caring.
Let me digress for a moment and mention Alfred Wright.  I have a separate file on Alfred but he was a "homeboy", orphaned from England; one of many children arriving in Canada.  They raised him like their own and was accepted by all other family members - considered to be a nephew or cousin.  Read file on Alfred-Wright.Doc (WP).
As I stated above that I do not know too much about Uncle John except what I remember as a child and in my teens.  May times my father and I would "hop" the CNR Hobo that ran to the Strait in the evening arriving around midnight, picked up by Uncle John and travelled by car or horse and sleigh to Seal Cove.  Here also, Alfred would sometime, in daylight, run Dad and via CNR Jittney-real fun for me.
At the house Aunt Margaret being a fine hostess always put me up in the upstaris hall in a "corporal-bed" where I would be awakened in the mornings by the big frieght trains blowing for the crossings.  Real fun for me.  However, I must explain something about the "dinner table."  I learned very quickly NOT to sit on Uncle John's right.  Most often with Dad and others at the table, the stories started; in Gaelic, and when the "punch-line" came, Uncle John would laugh, clap his hands, "haul-off" and slap me on the shoulder and knock me off the chair!
One time when Dad and I were accopanying him on his rounds of collecting for the horses he sold throughout the county, we were stopped by a Mountie for not dimming his lights.  The Mountie asked why.  "Why, what high beams?" said Uncle John.
"Do you see that button on the floor?"  "No, what button?"  Uncle John never knew anything like that existed.  The Mountie asked him, why the rear view mirror was astray.  "Oh, Margaret only uses that to check her hat and make-up" said John.  Yes, one ticket! 
I must make a note here to explain that I did not know Dad's other siblings as well as I did Uncle John, so I cannot elaborate on them for my knowledge on Uncle John is parse.
I know if I could find anyone left in the Orangedale area, many other stories would be told but I know of no one.  Thank you for reading this little file.
Frank H.L. MacLean, Nephew  (ed.)
The following sent via email by Frank MacLean
File:  LDR C03.DDS
Florence Catherine C(Campbell) MacLean
DOB;  11/10/1930
Daughter of John M. & Margaret Campbell  CJMM02
33 Peter's Road, Sydney, CB, NS
married : 08/30/52 to
Frank H L MacLean (Sydney) File LDRC03 03/02/1929
Children:  LFHF01 - 03
Sandra Jean MacLeod LFHF01 10/30/1953
married: 05/15/76 to:
Earl Terrance MacLeod (Sydney ETS00  07/20/1953
Son of Stanley & Ella MacLeod
56 MacArthur's Lane, Sydney, CB, NS
     Amy Christine  ETSL01  04/12/1979
     Terrance Brian  ETSL02  05/19/1982
Susan Blanche Jessen    LFHF02  05/06/1956
Married: 11/28/81 to
George Alfred Jesson (Bridgewater)  GASBJ00
Son of Alf & Enid Jessen (*)
Children: Nil
Robert Scott MacLean  LFHF03/LRSJ00       
Married:  08/29/81 to
Judith Anne Landry (Sydney)  (1)  03/20/1959
Daughter of Edward and Doris Landry
     George St., Sydney, Cb, NS
     Frank Edward  LRSJ01  12/26/1964
Cheryl Conrad, MD   LRSC(2)00   01.23.1963
Daughter of Mr & Mrs Brian Conrad, Sydney, CB, NS
Married: 10/10/1997
Blanche Murdo MacLean
DOB:  August 21, 1922  - March 23, 2004
134 Crescent Street, Sydney, CB, NS
NB-Sister to isobel J. MacDonald, Lindsay, Ontario
Brother to Frank H L MacLean, Sydney, CB, NS
Blanche interneered in May 2004.
Isobelle (Isobel) Josephine MacLean
DOB:  March 3, 1919
Married:  August 4, 1944
United Church  (Queen St), Halifax, NS
Dr. John Fyfe MacDonald, MD (prior RCNVR) File: DJF100
DOB:  April 14, 1919
Dr. Duncan Ross MacDonald File: DJF101
Dob:  July 4, 1949
Married:  August 28, 1981
Geraldine Farrelly, MD (Ireland) File: GB0
Janet Christine MadDonald File: DJF102
DOB: December 1, 1954
Married: Peter J. Burch*  *At: 08/08/07
DOB:  October 19, 1947 Living in Barnard, VT., USA on August 27, 1977  05031
Christopher James Fyfe Burch
DOB: December 3, 1980
Heather Isobel Burch
DOB:  October 28, 19982
Owen MacDonald Burch
DOB:  December 31, 1988
File: NDJG00 (Neil Daniel/Johnena (MacLean) Gillis
tl.ta.oe by Frank H L MacLean
-to LJM001
     Family of Neil Daniel Gillis
     Johnean MacLean*
*-daughter of John (Ian) D. MacLean, Seal Cove, CB, NS
The following is a retyped article (data) given to me by Angus Iver Gillis of Coxheath, CB, NS.  Iver is the son of Johnena (MacLean) Gillis.  I have retyped this to have a copy of for the Family Tree - MacLean/MacDonald.
Reference: Surname First SEE DOB
NDHG00 Gillis Neal Daniel  1874 - 1949  (75)
LJDC01  w/o MacLean Johneana 02/19/1879-07/18/1892 (103)
NDJG01 Gillis Archie Damiel ADKG00  05/22/1902-05/28/1984 (82)
ADKG01  Gillis Mary
ADKG02 Gillis Robert
ADKG03 Gillis Donna
ADKG04 Gillis Archie, Jr.   -01/08/1996
NDJG02 Gillis John Alexander JAJG00   04/15/1904-08/15/1981  (77)
     ? w/o Jane
NDJG03 Gillis Anne Florence 11/07/1905-11/082000  (95)
     Wicks h/o James Dicks deceased, Belmont, Mass.
NDJG04 Gillis Christine 08/25/1905 - Windsor, NS
ZBC00  Zwicker Bernard h/o deceased
ZBC01-04 *Bernie, Robert, Donald, Charles.
NDJG05 Gillis (Rev) George Neil GNDG00  06/21/1910 - Moncton
     MacAskill w/o Elizabeth   1    -02/17/1977
             ? w/o Dorothy   2
GNDG01 Gillis George
NDJG06 Gillis Duncan John DJMG00  07/04/1915-11/05/1989  (74) Wh
w/o MacAulay Marie  1   -10/31/1978
w/o MacRae Katherine  2  -11/05/1989
DJMG01-03 Gillis Jean MacA, Shirley LeMay, Lynn Moore
NDJ07 Gillis Angus Iver  AIDRG00   11-28-1920-  Cx
w/o MacKenzie Dorothy Ruth 06/25/1927-
AIDRG00 Kennedy David 04/18/1950  Cx
KDBG01  Kennedy Jody Gillis 07/24/1975
KDBG02  Kennedy Duggan Gillis 07/25/1977
KDBG03  Kennedy Jeffrey Gillis 04/23/1981
AIDRG02 Gillis Robert James  RJEG00  10/15/1953
w/o MacCormack Elizabeth  ?
RJEG01-02 Gillis Lauren Beth, Robert Cameron
AIDRG03 Gillis Wendy Darlene 09/13/1960
RFWD00 Richardson Fred 11/21/1958 Holyrood, Nf
RFWD01-02 Richardson Kenzie Morgan (06/12/1984), Holly Kaila (12/12/1985)
AIDRG04  Gillis Gary Neil  GNWG00  09/24/1962  George Riv
w/o Jarrietha Wanda ?
Note:  It should be noted here that the Gillis Family listed above have a close relationship with the MacLean Family.  Yhe mother, Johena MacLean, married Neil Gillis of Gillis Cove, CB, NS, was the daughter of John (Ian) MacLean of Seal Cove, CB, NS.  Her father was the eldest son of John Neil and Mary (MacLean) MacLean of Valley Mills, CB, NS.  She would also be a first cousin of my father, Dr. Duncan Robert MacLean, DDS, of sydney Mines and Sydney.  (ed. F MacLean)
Frank MacLean writes:
by-Blanche & Frank MacLean
John Neil MacLean (1806-1854, known as Neil "Ur" with his wife Mary (MacLean MacLean (1809-1891, both born on the Isle of Coll arrived in Cape Breton circa 1844.  With them were two children, John (Ian) D. aged 3 years (1841-1897) and Neil* aged 1 year-1843 to 1920.
*-Neil was known as "Black Neil" because of his dark hair-the rest of the family being light haired.
J Neil, son of Donald Ban, of Achda, Scotland (Lochbuie) Married mary MacLean (Duart) of Hyne, Scotland on February 18, 1840.  On May 18, 1840 son John (Ian) D. was born and on August 10, 1843, Neil (Black Neil) was born.  After Neil's birth they set sail for Cape Breton, arriving sometime circa 1844.
The family settled, finally, in Valley Mills, Inverness County and lived until the dates above indicate.  Within ten years after their arrival, they had an additional five children:  Allan, Hector, Donald (Dan) and two daughters, Margaret and Flora.  These family members will be dealt with as this story evolves.
J Neil died at the age of 48 (1854) while Mary lived to the age of 82 +/- (1891).  Their remains rest in the Fulton Presbyterian Church Cemetery at Magalawatch, Cape Breton.  The two daughters Margaret and Flora remained single and at this point in time, I am not exactly sure of the disposition of these two children.  All I have at this time is that Margaret was born sometime in 1845 while Flora was born in 1853.  One to Boston, other to Toronto-seamstresses.
John (Ian) D. MacLean - 1841-1879 married a Christine (Christy) MacDonald 1851-1881.  All family members (4) are listed under the reference of LJDC00.
Father and mother lived at Seal Cove, inverness County, Cape Breton. Nova Scotia
Neil (Black) MacLean- 1843-02/11/1920 (Seal Cove, CB) married Margaret (Peggy) MacRae 1852-05/06/1912.  Family Members are listed as reference LNP00.  Nine children.
Margaret MacLean - Single - 1844 - ?  Disposition of Margaret is unknown at this time.  Could be buried at Magalawatch.
Allan MacLean - 11/10/1845-12/21/1932, married daughter of John and Christy MacLeod of S S Boulardarie (Island Point), Johanna MacLeod 1852-1929 and moved from Valley Mills to Stewartdale CB shortly after marraige.  Remains are resting in the MacLean Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Stewartdale, CB.  The family Members consisting of six children are referenced as LAJ00.
Hector MacLean - 1847-05/29/1923 married Jessie Livingstone (1848-03/01/1927).  The six children referenced as LHJ00.
Donald (Dan) MacLean - 1851-04/10/1908.  Married on July 7, 1886 to Mary MacRae (1864-12/06/1922) sister to Peggy MacRae MacLean (Neil).  They had eight children referenced as LDM00.  They lived near Neil and Peggy MacLean at Seal Cove.  Their property was close to Johnnie Allen (John D) MacLean toward Magalawatch.
Flora MacLean - 1853 -?.  Flora, to my present knowledge remained single and I do not know the disposition of this person to date.  Further investigation is forthcoming.  She may have been buried at Maglawatch or River Denys.
J Neil macLean left Scotland circa 1843 or early 1844, left behind two brothers Allan and Alex.  A sister left for Belfast, Australia circa 1854 according to a letter.  Effis (sister) began farming and to all known information became a successful farmer, believed to have been a "tenant" farmer.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
John (Jack) NewlandsWrote:
Hi Lu Dawn -

Although we are not directly related, I have made a connection to your MacLean family line.
 Margaret (Maggie) MacRae, (wife of Neil MacLean), your great grandmother, was the sister of Colin MacRae. Colin MacRae was married to Sarah (Sadie) Mae Smith. Sarah (Sadie) Mae Smith was the sister of my grandmother, Victoria Eliza (nee Smith) Newlands.
Also, there is probably a “Ross connection somehow. My great grandmother, Katherine (nee MacLachlan) Smith's sister, Elizabeth MacLachlan, was married to John Ross.
Although it has been several years, I too have corresponded with Dale Barry.  Most of the information below is from her and I have not verified any of the data nor do I have any sources for it. So, it needs to be researched and it may be suspect.  I am the cousin Jack who identified the people in the photograph that she, Dale, has of the Smith sisters. Do you have her current email address?
Finally, I have one more connection with you I too grew up in New Hampshire at Pittsfield . In fact, we drove through Keene last month on our way to our home in Indiana from our summer house in Maine . ( We had spent the night in Concord with friends after visiting relatives in the area.)
Your great great grandfather, Duncan MacRae (1815 1888) and your great great grandmother, Catherine MacDonald, (1832 - ?) had the following 9 children:
1. Jessie MacRae, (1849 21 Jun 1928)
2. Jane MacRae, (1856 - ?)
3. Donald MacRae, (1860 - ?)
4. Catherine MacRae, (1861 -?)
5. Mary MacRae, (1863 – 05 Dec 1922) m. Donald MacLean, (1852 - ?) and they had     ten children; Catherine, Lena, Jessie, Margaret, Ruth, Duncan , Hugh, Sophia, John Neil and Lilly.
6. Lilly MacRae, (1864 -)
7. Colin MacRae (01 Jan 1867 – 1922) m. Sarah (Sadie) Mae Smith (07 Jan 1874 11 Dec 1874), and they had two children; Archie MacRae, (09 Jun 1894  1928) and Duncan MacRae, 01 Jan 1897 -11 Jul 1973).
*** This is my, (John Vernon Newlands), connection to this family line. Sarah (Sadie) Mae Smith was the sister of my grandmother, Victoria Eliza (nee Smith) Newlands.
8. Neil MacRae, (1843 -1920)
9. Margaret (Maggie) MacRae (1863 -1906 May 1912) YOUR GREAT GRAND MOTHER.
Your great grandmother, Margaret (Maggie) MacRae, (b.1863 - d.06 May 1912), and your great grandfather Neil MacLean, (b.1843 - d.1920) had the following 9 children:
1. John H. MacLean, 1880 - 1953
2. Neil MacLean II, 1882- 1953
3. Colin D. MacLean, 1890 - ?
4. Angus Hector MacLean, 1892  - 1975 Your Great Uncle.
5. Allan MacLean, 1894 - 1911
6. Florence MacLean, 1896 - ?
7. Duncan MacLean, ? - ?
8. Katherine MacLean, ? - ?
9. Mary Ann (Maggie) MacLean, ? - ? YOUR GRANDMOTHER
I have no additional information on your grandmother or any of her siblings and their descendants.
Keep in touch -
John (Jack) Vernon Newlands

Monday, November 12, 2007
Jack Newlands Wrote:
Hi again -

Thanks for the email address for Dale. I shall have to write to her and tell about our relocation from Florida to Indiana.

Sure, you may use any information that I have sent to you!

Also, you asked in your original email about any land grants. I do have the original land grant, wax seal and all, that was given to my 3rd great grandfather, Alexander Smith, for the Crammond Islands. The two islands, which are situated in Bra d'Ors lake near Dundee and Black River, were in the family for several generations. In fact, my grandmother, Victoria Eliza (nee Smith) Newlands and her sisters were born and raised on these islands which were at one time were known as the Smith Islands.

Like you, we made the pilgrimage to Cape Breton, several years ago, to visit the "homestead", on the islands. Unfortunately, the house no longer exists, but I was able to locate the ruins and "rescued" two stones that were part of the fireplace mantel. We too, spent several hours in cemeteries locating family headstones. So much time that it has become a family joke. Now, whenever we pass a cemetery, my wife says."Do you want to stop and see if you have any relatives here?" (The odds are pretty good when you are looking for "Smith's".) We had a great time and we were planning to visit there again this past summer, but our move from Florida to Indiana did not make it feasible - maybe next summer we will make it.

Stay in touch-

John ( Jack) V Newlands

Friday, November 16, 2007 Dale Sent The Following Email She Received From Jack Newlands:
Hi Dale -

It's been way too long since I have written to you -  Hope that all has been well with you and your family. We have all been fine and we have moved from Florida to Granger, Indiana so now we are much closer to Windsor! 

I am writing to you to tell you a rather interesting story involving your grandfather, Duncan MacRae so I hope that you get this email. (I am sending it to two email addresses that I have for you.)

As part of the "unpacking process", I have been trying to go through the many boxes of papers and  newspaper clippings that I have accumulated over the years while researching my family. ( I am sure that you can understand.) Hopefully, one day I will get them all organized!!

Anyhow, one of the documents that I have is a copy of the 'last will and testament' of Annie Jane (nee Smith) Leary which is dated 25 March 1954. "Aunt Jenny", as I knew her, was the sister of your great grandmother, Sarah (Sadie) Mae (nee Smith) MacRae who was married to Colin N. MacRae. The will states, "TWELFTH:  I give to my nephew DUNCAN MACRAE one thousand dollars ($1,000.00)." I am certain that this is your grandfather, since your Duncan MacRae is the son of Sarah Smith (Annie Jane Smith's sister) and Colin MacRae. This would make Duncan MacRae the nephew of Annie Jane (nee Smith) Leary.

Now this is where it starts to get a little more interesting. Annie Jane (nee Smith) Leary died 01 February 1957. I also have a copy of a statement from Annie Jane Smith's attorney that shows the value of her estate and all the payments that were made from her estate in accordance with her will. It shows, by name, that payments were made to all 18 beneficiaries of her will except for your grandfather, Duncan MacRae. Duncan is the only beneficiary that is not listed as having received any payment from the estate! At first, I assumed that Duncan had probably died before Annie Jane and that was why he did not receive his bequeath. However, I checked and Duncan MacRae, your grandfather, nephew of Annie Jane, did not die until 11 JULY 1973!

Of course this caused me to be even more curious. What happened? Was there a family feud, or was it because he left Cape Breton?
So, I went back to the statement that shows the various distributions from her estate and found the following charge against the estate listed from her attorney:"David R. Ovans legal services Saturday, 1/19/57. Drove to Brunswick, Me., at Mrs. Leary's request forwarded through letter of her doctor who reported her incurably ill. Visited client at Bath Memorial Hospital and discussed codicil to her will.... Sunday 1/20/57, Client executed codicil to her will at Bath Memorial Hospital..." Annie Jane died 12 days later. Well, I didn't find a copy of the codicil to her will in that box so I just thought that it would be just one of those genealogical mysteries - Why didn't Duncan MacRae receive his bequeath?

Well, 'lo and behold' - the very next box that I "unpacked" - there was a copy of the codicil of the will of Annie Jane (nee Smith) Leary!!!
And it states;"SECOND: I revoke my bequest of $1.000.00 to my nephew Duncan MacRae in clause TWELFTH  of my said will, he having died."  So, Annie Jane (nee Smith) Leary wrote him out of her will because she thought that he was dead!! I have no clue as to why she thought that he was dead. Perhaps there was some confusion over some other 'Duncan MacRae' who may have died after she wrote her original will. I have no idea. I only know that your grandfather was alive and he did not recieve his $1,000.00 as she had originally intended.

So, that is another reason that I always say -

Stay in touch,

"Cousin" Jack Newlands
On November 19, 2007, Dale Sent The Following Email She Received From Jack Newlands:
Hi Dale -
Hope all is well -
Perhaps, 'Archie' could have been the cause of the confusion. Annie Jane's original will, which made the bequest to Duncan, was dated March 25, 1954, and Archie died in 1928. So the confusion, in her mind, took place between 1954 and 1957, which is when the change was made to her will. We will probably never know for sure.

Anyway, here is another "interesting" article about one of the earlier 'Smith' girls. The following article is about Donald Smith, your 3rd great grandfather. The "island", Carpenter's Island, referred to in this story, was also known as Smith island. Originally, the island was known as the Cramond island and it has reverted back to that name today. 

The following article was published in 'The Atlantic Advocate', June 1958, by Vera L. Davison in her column,' Atlanticdote' and was entitled, The Double Elopement.
'In 1845, there lived on Carpenters Island, in the beautiful Bras d'Or Lake, a certain Donald Smith and his family. Smith was a prosperous farmer as the island, one and a half miles in length and about half a mile wide, was ideally suited to both pasture and land.
At the time of this story, Mary, one of Donald Smith's daughters, had reached marriageable age, and indeed, had a sweetheart, Angus Ross, who lived on the mainland.  Angus had recently acquired a farm but being a thrifty Scot was biding his time till he was in a better financial position before proposing to Mary.  However, in those days it was still customary for parents to arrange marriages for their daughters, so when a Mr. Johnson from Lake Ainslie asked for Mary hand in marriage her parents, knowing him to be well-to-do, gave their consent. 
A fine ball was held at the Smith home in honour of the engagement.  It was early in the year and the lake was still frozen over so Angus Ross skated across and attended the festivities.  While dancing with Mary, he emulated his famous countryman young Lochinvar by whispering in her ear a plea to elope.  This she was very willing to do and going into a bedroom adjoining the parlour she climbed through the window.  Her two brothers gleefully entered into the plot and helped Angus harness a horse to a sleigh.  The lovers then set off across the four miles of ice to Black River and thence to Arichat to be marred.  They did not fear pursuit as their horse, known as the Barra mare, was famed for speed on the ice. 
Soon the elopement was discovered and the jilted Mr. Johnson was naturally somewhat downcast.  He soon found compensation, however, in the charms of Lovely Henrieta McKenzie, and shortly proposed marriage.  Although already engaged to one Peter McFarlane, Henrietta accepted and they too set out for Arichat.  On the way they encountered Mr. and Mrs. Angus Ross returning.  There were no hard feelings and they drank each other's health before continuing on their way.
Henrietta's erstwhile fiance' meanwhile, was vowing vengeance in no uncertain terms till Henrietta's young sister Anne calmed him down.  Being just thirteen at the time she promised she would marry him if he would wait two or three years.  This he did, and did not regret his wait.

"Stay in touch"-

'Cousin' Jack
On November 20, 2007, Dale Sent The Following Email:
Hi Cousin Lu.....thank you so much for gving Jack my email address..he has some of the most precious treasures a family geneologist could ask for...and my MacRae cousins' are thrilled also.  The girls you see with MacRae by them on the MyFamily website are the daughters of my grandfather Duncans' 1/2 brother Christopher....as you know Colin was married twice and Christopher was the son of the second wife....but they are all still my family....no matter whose mom they had....oh and Jack emailed me a picture today, that he had found on a box, it was of my grampa Duncan's brother Archie Duncan in his WW1 outfit.  I was thrilled to say the least...he's going to mail me the original, but you can see it on the MyFamily website....I'm so happy to hear that your grandaughter will be joining you for thanksgiving....family, got to love 'em..and I know you are just thrilled that she is coming back, too...well, just wanted to let you know that I am so grateful to you for getting me in touch with Jack again..you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.....love cousin Dale


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