Isaac Bilyeu & Mary Ann Workman as found on - Thank you Greg Vonda
Isacc Bilyeu; probably French, Cherokee?
Mary Ann Workman: probably German, Cherokee?
Married ca 1801, probably Tn.
Mary Ann
Born about 1780 Tn or Ky Born
about 1784 MD
d. about 1865 Carroll Co., Ark d. about 1855 Carroll Co., Ark.
Both buried Head of Big Indian Creek, Carrol Co., Ark.
Known Children:
Isaac b. 12 Dec 1802, Tn m. Mary Davis, Married very young; was one of first settles in
Crawford Co. (now Miller Co.) Mo. Mary is cited as being Cherokee.
Jacob b. 1803 Overton Co., Tn, died 1852 Carroll Co., Ark/Taney Co., Mo. m Catherine Elizabeth Williams,
d/o William Williams and Sarah Barbee. The Williams family were known Cherokee, thought to have been on the Trail of
John Witten b. 14 April 1809 Overton Co., Tn. d. 1903 Spokane, Christian Co., Mo. m. Sarah Frances Harp
d/o William Harp and Charlotte Harrison. The Harop family is purported to have been amongst the Trail of Tears participants.
Likely to have been "Old Settlers".
Rachel b. 1811, Overton Co., Mo. m. Charles Finley 13 Sept. 1832, Crawford Co., Mo. Nothing further
is known.
Elizabeth Louisa, b. 1813, Overton Co., Tn. d. after 1860, ?Mo. m. Henry C. Clinenbeard. Henry
is known to be full Cherokee.
Lydia Ann b. 1814 Overton Co., Tn. m. Solomon Bilyeu 15 Dec. 1831, Crawford Co., Mo. Solomon is
repurted to have been the s/o Cornelius, possible brother to Isaac b. 1780. Descendents have evidence Solomon was Cherokee.
Mary Ann b. 1815, Overton Co., Tn. m. John T. Davis. John possibly brother to William Davis, h/o Elizabeth
Harp, who was a sister to Sarah Frances.
Diannah b. 16 May 1817 Marion Co., Tn. d. before 1870 Christian Co., Mo. m. James Madison Brumbley
s/o Daniel Brumley and Rachel Patterson. probeble descendant is Albert Edward Brumley, s/o William & Isabelle
Williams (famed gospel writer, known to have Cherokee heritage).
Margaret Ann "Peggy" b. Nov. 1821 Overton Co., Tn. d. 23 Jan 1908 Christian Co., Mo. m. Martin
Fiaher Melton Descendants md into Meadows, Hanks, Davis, Handy, Smith and Melton families.
Stephen William b. 1826 Ky., d. 1870 Christian Co., Mo. 1st m. mary Hewes/Hughes 2nd m. Fannie Baker
d/o William Aaron Baker and Barbara Ellen Schell. Both wives have probable Cherokee lineage. Baker family went
from Cape Girardeau, Mo. area to Carroll Co., Ark.
iaac & Mary Ann appear in the following Censuses:
1820 Overton Co., Tn.
1830 Sangamon Co., Il.
1840 Miller Co., Mo.
1850 James Twp., Taney Co., Mo.
1860-Isaac Prairie Twp., Carroll Co., Ark.
Greg Vonda writes:
What we know: My stand on Isaac's parentage is-I ain't gonna take one. As far as I'm concerned,
the jury is still out. That he is connected to the French Hugenot Billiou os Staten Island, NY/Six Mile Run, Somerset
Co. NJ, there appears to be no doubt. How he is related, however, despite the extensive research done by both Bilyeu
and workman researchers, is still up in the air.