Descendants of Anne Hilton
received from Earl F. Hilton of
Midlothian, Virginia
22 July 2007
Thank You Earl !
Note: These pages were scanned and to make them readable for you, our visitors, we have placed them
here full size. My computor would not accept the emailed versions due to a Microsoft Bug-Glich Microsoft needs to work
on and fix.
This causes the reader to have to scroll, but is more than adequately legible !
Enjoy !
The house picture is of DR Samuel W.
Hilton 's house in Pine MO. He practiced medicine there from 1898 to 1932 and then moved to Alton
, MO. He was the only doctor for many many miles . He rode a horse to get to some of his patients . He practiced for
over 60 years and died at 88 years old. He still had a car when he passed a way. He was my grandfather.
(Info from: Earl Hilton.)