Hi Lu Dawn,
December 20, 2009
I have been reading your site with some fascination:
This is all new to me - but my great-aunt Emma Jane BEASLEY married Neil McLean in 1875, at Koroit, Victoria, Australia
- near Tower Hill, where the McLEANs originally settled.
and his sister Effy/Euphemia migrated to Australia on the "James Baines" in October 1855 - the passenger list is available here:
(Key in *McLean* and *James Baines* to display the full list).
Something of a puzzle, what happened to Mary's
husband John McLEAN - he supposedly went to America first, didn't like it there, and then migrated to Australia ... but Mary
is in the 1851 Census as a widow, living with her mother Flora McLEAN, and there were only two children born to the marriage.
*** http://www.collgenealogy.com/ 1851 Census Coll 254 E2/10 McLean Flora W 80 Head Retired farmer's wife Arl., Coll Farm of Acha 255 E2/10 McLean
Mary W 42 Dau. House Servant Arl., Coll Farm of Acha 256 E2/10 McLean Effy U 11 G-dau. Scholar Arl., Coll Farm of Acha 257
E2/10 McLean Niel U 9 G-son Scholar Arl., Coll Farm of Acha ***
I have more information about Neil and Effy/Euphema
and their descendants, if you are interested. Euphemia married a John McLEAN, who I believe to be a 1st cousin (son of Donald
and Euphemia McLEAN, who migrated earlier on the *Brilliant*).
*** http://www.collgenealogy.com/ McLean Donald 30, Euphemia 28; Donald 3, John 2 ***
(I am wondering whether the Euphemia McLEAN, Tower Hill,
mentioned on your site is in fact Euphemia, wife of Donald?).
Neil and his wife Emma Jane BEASLEY had only one child,
a daughter Eliza Euphemia, born 1876. Neil himself seems to have had a somewhat chequered career, apparently deserting his
wife (who re-married). But, I now have his death record, too (at Sandford, in Victoria) ... so gradually, the pieces are coming
together :-)
Look forward to hearing from you.
Lesley (In Melbourne, Australia ... becoming
*hot* again here, after two cool days)
Ms Lesley Albertson 3/14 Arnold Street South Yarra 3141 Victoria Australia
Hi Lu Dawn,
December 22, 2009
Many thanks for your reply, which I have forwarded to my 3rd cousin Kathy Baulch. Kathy is a keen
genealogist and local historian living in Koroit ... recently re-named Yarpturk ... and a frequent visitor to the Tower Hill Cemetery.
(Where many McLEANs are buried).
I have enclosed a recent email from her about the McLEAN
burials ... we have been a bit bemused by the frequency with which McLEANs married each other. (But then, they were a clan,
and Coll was their home) :-)
You might also like to check this site, with a McLEAN chart - one puzzle for me being
how the son John McLEAN then became Alexander John McLEAN, in Australia:
And, here is Kathy's email ... not so easy to sort out, but what *is* clear is that Neil's parents, John
and Mary McLEAN (nee McLEAN) are not buried there. ;-)
BTW, the mention of *VDL* is Van Diemen's
(Tasmania) ... where my great-grandfather John BEASLEY was transported (from Berkshire)
in 1840, as a convict.
Subject: McLeans at Tower Hill
Mon, 14 Dec 2009 11:41:30 +1100 Sorry, I didn't realise you were delving into Neil McLean's
sister, Euphemia's brood in such detail. Yes, nine kids. Euphemia McLean was buried at Tower Hill Cemetery 27 Aug 1874 Presbyterian
Section B Grave 170, and baby Malcolm McLean aged 5 months was buried in adjoining grave 3 Feb 1875 Presbyterian Section B
Grave 157 (thought he would have been at least 6 months old, but never mind, close enough).
In the grave on the other
side of Euphemia is her daughter, Mary WINES who was buried 30 Aug 1917 in Presbyterian Section
B Grave 183. Not to be confused with her supposed half-sister named Mary Ellen, the one who married Reeves. Also buried in
the same grave as Mary WINES is her grandfather Donald McLEAN aged 66, buried 9 Sept 1866, i.e. Euphemia's father-in-law.
Mother-in-law Euphemia McLEAN nee McLEAN, wife of Donald, buried not far away Presbyterian Section B Grave 121 on 11 Dec 1894.
No others in same grave. No records matching Mary McLean nee McLean, mother of Neil and Euphemia.
All unmarked graves. Other McLeans about with headstones, but then it is the Presbyterian section. Other in-laws of Neil's
sister, Euphemia, also buried at Tower Hill, e.g. Donald and his wife Mary nee McLean (fancy that), Flora and hubbie
Henry Grundy. Which reminds me, Henry Grundy was a native of Berkshire and arrived via VDL, which sounds slightly familiar?
Cheers, Kathy
Cheers, Lesley
December 21, 2009 Carol writes:
See : "God and the Devil at Seal Cove" by Angus MacLean
Page 2---I went back to the letter Alan worte to his brother J.Neil in 1854 and its just as I thought, Effie was already
in Australia, at least long enought to grow wheat and reap the harvest
from another crop. She had also written 2 prior letters, both received since the beginning of Augher, seeing as
the letter was sent in May 1st 1854, that would be Aug. of 1853. This means she has been there a year or more
as the crossing takes 4 months to make and she has a years worth of crops! (never mind how long the snail mail takes,
by ship 3-4 months) Also the ages of the McLeans on the 1855 ship "James Braines" are too young for our Effie and
Neil. According to the Gaelic letter our Ggrandfather received, there were 3 brothers (4 sons) and one sister,
The letter also states that Alan has a wife and young family, Alexander has a stubborn wife that wont go and Neil (the
mover and shaker) has already sold off his stock and plans to fund his trip.
Angus referrs to his poor memory of his grandmother, Mary, and on page 4 he states his fathers mother not only
married a MacLean, but was born a MacLean. Neil and Mary made the crossing in 1844 and lived and died there, she
was known as the widow MacLean as I recall.
I conclude that Effy was there prior to 1854 letters and that Neil (the
brillant one) made the trip shortly after the 1854 lettter. He could be the Neil with the "cherckered " past Lesley has
in her family history. maybe that goes with his Gaelic nickname!
Angus also wonders if Alexander ever got his wife to make the trip and what about Alan and his young family in Scotland.
He remindes me of myself, trying to keep track of all the family. Only we now get to track down the ones that have passed
on to the Lord. Thanks for the internet and decetives like you. Thank the Lord for That!
I did find an Effy McLean (not MacLean) with a family crossing to Australia in 1853 on the ship the New Zealander, roll
states she is 17 y. , cousin to McPhee, cottar, excellent family.
Hi Lu Dawn,
Well, here is something exciting that has popped into my box ... have a careful
look, but I would say that this is the Euphemia we were talking about just a few days ago ... yes, sister of Allan McLEAN, but she was also married to a McLEAN (which could be why
you thought she was not married) :-)
Perhaps should explain that the *Belfast* mentioned in the article has for a long
time been re-named Port Fairy. (It is a beautiful seaside town,
where one of my cousins still lives).
Happy Christmas :-)
Lesley (In grey, *drippy* Melbourne)
*** --------
Original Message -------- Subject: McLean, Effie etc. at Tower
Hill Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2009 17:50:27 +1100
Lesley and Chris,
Thought you would like something slightly spicey for Christmas,
Lesley :-)
If your friends in Canada are looking for any extra Effie or Euphemia McLean/Macleans at Tower Hill, I think I've sorted out what happened in 1857 at Tower Hill.
First the
Warrnambool Examiner reported that *Margaret* McLean had assaulted her
husband and added at the bottom the he had died. Well, no he recovered from being dead which is why I couldn't find his
death in the indexes or cemeteries and her name was Effie McLean, not Margaret. Think Donald
McLean senior died in 1866 (buried at Tower Hill 9 Sept 1866) and Effie is
the Euphemia McLean d. 9 Dec 1894 at Hawkesdale, buried at Tower Hill 11 Dec 1894. Or is that the other Donald, and
the other Euphemia?
[Belfast Court] MURDEROUS ASSAULT. - On Wednesday morning, Margaret McLean, of Tower Hill, with Donald McLean, her son, and Allan McLean, her brother, were brought up at the police court, charged with a murderous assault on Donald McLean (sen.),
husband of the prisoner, Margaret McLean, and father of the prisoner Donald, by violently assaulting him and inflicting
a wound on his head, whereby his life is endangered. The prisoners were remanded in order that the depositions of the
man, who still lies in a dangerous state at the hospital, might be taken. It is not improbable that the prisoners will
be committed for trial on charge of murder. - Banner of Belfast. [We have since heard that McLean is dead, and that
the above prisoners have been committed to take their trial for murder. - Ed. W. Ed.]
Warrnambool Examiner 18 August
1857 p2c4
His Honor Judge Wrixon opened this Court on Saturday Morning. There were two criminal cases; one for assault, and one for larceny.
The first case called was that of the Queen, on behalf of Donald McLean, against Donald McLean, Junr., Effie McLean
(wife of plaintiff) and Allan McLean, brother-in-law to plaintiff. The indictment contained two counts, the first charging
the defendants with maliciously wounding the plaintiff, and the second, with violently assaulting him. The prisoners
pleaded "Not Guilty."
The jury having been sworn, Mr. McCreight, Crown Prosecutor, stated the particulars of the
case, which having been published on more than one occasion in our columns, and called the plaintiff, who deposed to them.
Dr. Jermyn was also examined as the nature of the wound inflicted on defendant, and stated that it could not have been
the result of a fall, but must have been inflicted with a hammer, or some such instrument; the bone being not only broken
but a portion knocked[?] out from over the eyebrow. Dr. Lee, who was examined on behalf of the prisoner stated that the
fracture might have resulted from a fall, but had not attended the plaintiff, nor seen him in time to enable him to
form a positive opinion. Another witness was also examined by Mr. Bayly, who conducted the defence, but her evidence was contradictory
and did not disprove the testimony of the witness for the prosecution. Mr. Bayly commented on the evidence, and his Honor,
having briefly summed up, the jury return a verdict of "guilty" on the second count. His Honor, in passing sentence,
observed that during his judicial experience, he had not met with such a case as the present. It was evident that the
man had been most violently assaulted by his own wife and son, and brother-in-law, and even his life had been endangered.
Had the jury found the prisoners guilty on the first count, they might have been sentenced to years on the roads, three
years would have been the shortest term the law would have allowed him to inflict. Having found them guilty only of the lesser
offence charged in the second count, it was his duty to sentence them severally to imprisonment, with hard labor for the period of six months. - Banner.
Warrnambool Examiner 17 November
1857 p2c4
Think Donald McLean senior who got hit on the head died in 1866 (buried at Tower Hill 9 Sept 1866) and
Effie is the Euphemia McLean d. 9 Dec 1894 at Hawkesdale, buried at Tower Hill 11 Dec 1894. Or is that the other Donald, and
the other Euphemia also nee McLean.....no, that is our Neil's sister.
Happy Christmas, Cheers, Kathy
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Lu Dawn's McLeans at Tower Hill Date:
Sat, 26 Dec 2009 11:30:28 +1100
Hi Lesley,
I'm not sure this is the same man who was charged with assaulting his brother-in-law Donald
McLean, as his mother's name is give as Marion McLEAN and Euphemia's mother was given as Flora May UNKNOWN in the
death indexes.
Digger - Federation Index. Victoria 1889-1901 Surname: MCLEAN Given Names: Allan Event: D Sex:
M Father: Jno Mother: Marion MCLEAN Age: 86 Death Place: Hamilton Year: 1892 Reg. Number: 14024
Swamp. 1892. Mr Allan
McLean died 22.10.1892, buried in the Hamilton Cemetery. Born Parish of Kilmore, Island of Mull, Argyleshire, Scotland,
in 1806 and arrived in Portland Bay in 1853. He settled first at Tower Hill district, where
he followed agricultural pursuits. About seventeen years ago he removed to Buckley Swamp, where he had purchased a farm,
and there he resided 'til his death. Mr McLean has been a zealous member of the Free Presbyterian
Church. He was of rather a retiring disposition, and took no interest whatever in public affairs, especially since
the death of his wife eleven years ago. He was aged 86 years. (29.10.1892)
"Macarthur/Byaduk Districts Western Victoria,
Newspaper Reports 1881 to 1897 from Western Agriculturist" compiled by E. V. Risk Page 54
The letter is just wonderful.
Making money from the crop of wheat fits in with what was happening here in that time, although people today are surprised
that the Tower Hill district grew so much wheat and barley in the early days. Also the seven-year lease fits in with William
Rutledge's Special Survey where he used the conacre system for his tenants. There were no coal-mines around here, but
Effie could have been referring to other parts of Australia as it was
a general reference to wages in general.
Cheers, Kathy
Tower Hill General Cemetery, Koroit, Victoria, Australia
(Draft Transcription of Register)
Date Buried |
Given Names |
Age |
Location |
1885-03-16 |
McLEAN, Albert |
5M |
CE C 192 |
1871-08-07 |
McLEAN, Allan |
14 |
P B 160 |
1892-07-24 |
McLEAN, Allan M. |
27 |
P B 69 |
1907-03-23 |
McLEAN, Archie |
80 |
P A 161 |
1942-02-02 |
McLEAN, Archie |
42 |
P A 162 |
1866-09-09 |
McLEAN, Donald |
66 |
P B 183 |
1886-05-21 |
McLEAN, Donald |
91 |
P A 161 |
1901-11-14 |
McLEAN, Donald |
66 |
P B 79 |
1874-08-27 |
McLEAN, Euphemia |
33 |
P B 170 |
1894-12-11 |
McLEAN, Euphemia |
95 |
P B 121 |
1903-04-11 |
McLEAN, Flora |
31 |
P B 69 |
1989-01-31 |
McLEAN, Geoffrey Norman |
59 |
P A 207 |
1907-01-18 |
McLEAN, Hannah |
32 |
P B 133 |
1892-09-24 |
McLEAN, L. |
55 |
P B 122 |
1903-04-06 |
McLEAN, Lachlan |
37 |
P B 100 |
1875-02-03 |
McLEAN, Malcolm |
5M |
P B 157 |
1888-03-06 |
McLEAN, Margaret |
50 |
P A 161 |
1973-02-15 |
McLEAN, Margaret M. |
72 |
P A 229 |
1906-07-30 |
McLEAN, Mary |
73 |
P B 79 |
1928-07-27 |
McLEAN, Mary |
62 |
P A 148 |
1866-02-17 |
McLEAN, Niel |
48 |
P B 173 |
1896-03-25 |
McLEAN, William |
26 |
P B 111 |
1974-12-05 |
McLEAN, William E. |
74 |
P A 229 |
Query if Eupemia above, Age 95, could possible be our J. Neil's sister? She would have been born in
1799. The time frame is correct s J. Neil was born 1806.