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Civil War Veterans Buried in New Hampshire - Cheshire County

Cities A - J



Name                                                Death Date                Cemetery

Austin, Kindell-Co. A 5 N.H.Inf      3-9-1919                        East

Britten, Levi - Co. A 18 N.H.Inf.    8-7-1900                        East

Caldwell, Shepard C.-Co. E 5 N.H.Inf.  12-23-1862         Center

Colburn, Wilson L.-Co. B 14 N.H.Inf.      5-7-1924            Village

Dickey, George P.-Co. B 14 N.H.Inf.    10-29-1906         Ditto

Dodge, Caylon P.-Co. K 1 N.H.Cav.       4-8-1925

French, Henry G.-Co. B 14 N.H.Inf.         2-16-1896               East

Gleason, Francis-Co. F 6 N.H.Inf.           1-14-1896           Village

Goodwin, George W.-Co. F 6 N.H.Inf.                               Pine Grove

Greene, Charles E.-o. B 14 N.H.Inf.       3-17-1900          Center

Hatch, Edward P.-Co. B 14 N.H.Inf.                 1907         Center

Holbrook, Charles E.-Co. B 14 N.H.Inf. 2-19-1884           Village

Holden, harry M.-Co. E 5 N.h.Inf.                    1926              Ditto

Hopkins, John-Co. B 14 N.H.Inf.            5-30-1903

Marvin, Bryon O.-o. F 6 N.H.Inf.                      1892

Nash, james L.-Co. F 1 N.H.h>A.                   1918       Pine Grove

Porter, Charles E.-Co. B 14 N.H.Inf.              1896         Village

Raymond, Hercules W.-Co. I 9 N.H.Inf. 12-29-1919       East

Ross, james W.-Co. H S N.h.Inf.             6-9-1906           Ditto

Smith, Sustin E.-Co. A 18 N.H. Inf.                  1924

Webster, Sargent A.-Co. C 1 N.H.Cav.          1925       Village

Wilder, Henry -Co. A 18 N.H.Inf.           3-6-1865            Center

Wilson, Charles E.-Co. B 14 N.H.Inf.                               Ditto

Wilson, hames E.-Co. A 18 N.H.Inf.

Bank, Prentiss J.-Co. G 21 Mass. Inf.  1-4-1865            East

Belt, G. S.-Co I H.M.D.V.I.                                                 Pine Grove

Burge, Fred J.-Co. G 2 U.S.S.S.       8-15-1906              Village

Cady, Franklin C.-Co. B 53 Mass, Inf.  8-13-1895           Center

Cady, Williard S.-Co. G 11 Vt. Inf.                                     Village

Nash, Otis G.-Co. K 1 N. H. Cav.      7-25-1863               East

Prentiss, Fred L.-Band 4 t. Inf.                     1910           Village

Rogers, George M.-Co. F 4 Vt. Inf.             1902            Village

Taylor, John W.- Band 16 Mass. Inf.   2-6-1892                East

Barnes, Lucius A.                                                            Ditto

Morrison, Samuel                               11-26-1886

Wait, Albert B.                                                                    Village

Washburn, Charles                                7-8-1890              East



Butler, John E.-Co. A 14 N.H.Inf.                                              Village

Clark, Charles A.-Co. F 14 N.H.Inf.                                         Ditto

Davis, Murray-Co. F 14 N.H.Inf.                  3-21-1888

Eaton, Loren-Co. F 14 N.H.Inf.

Farr, Bradford-Co. F 14N.H.Inf.                           Association  

Farr, Charles M.-Co. A 2 N.h.Inf.                                       Village

Farr, Chauncey -Co. F 14 N.H.Inf                                       Ditto

Farr, Larkin D.-Co. F 14 N.H.Inf.

Gilson, Calvin P.-Co. F 14 N.H.Inf.

Hildreth, John W.-Co. E 6 N.H.Inf.

Holt, Joseph-Co. F 11 n.H.Inf.                                       Association

Lincoln, Horace G.-Co. F 11 N.H.Inf.                           Ditto

Robbins, Daniel E.-Co. F 6 N.h.Inf.

Safford, Otis-Co. k 2 N.H. Inf.                                      Village

Scott, George D.-Co. F 14 N.H.Inf.                             Ditto

Snow, Albert-Co. F 14 N.H.Inf.

Streeter, Henry-Co. I 9 N.H.Inf.

Streeter, Marshall-Co. F 14 N.H. Inf.          1-9-1864

Titus, Herbert B.-F & S 9 N.H.Inf.

Butler, Dr. John F.-F & S 39 Mass, Inf.                        Association

Cobb, Richard T.-o. B 12 Mass. inf.                            Association

Farr, Ransom C.-Co F 1 Vt. Cav.                               Village

Warren, Lyman H.- 17 Us.S. Inf.           9-18-1867     Association

Ball, Nelson R.                                                                Association

Bottwell, Samuel                                                                Village

Dayk John                                                                             Ditto

Farr, Dennimir

Farwell, james                                                               Association

Ford, Fred                                                                       Village

Harvey, John                                                                    Village

Jackson, Robert                                                        Association

Joslyn, John E.                                                                Ditto

Lynelot, Wilbur

Marsh, George                                                                 Village

Robbins, Daniel                                                              Ditto

Squires, George D.

Stewart, Fred

Tarbell, Frank Y.

Your, John D.




Fiske, Charles R.-Co. A 14 N.H.Inf.         1-7-1908               Village
Fiske, Jesse E.-Co. A 14 N.H.Inf.             9-19-1864               Ditto
Greenwood, Edmund B.-Co. G 13 N.H.Inf.   4-7-1896
Greenwood, G. Albert-Co. A 14 N.H.Inf.     12-23-1864
Hardy, Cyrus E.-Co. A 2 N.h. Inf.                    2-8-1878
Hazen, Charles S.-Co. E 3 N.H.Inf.                        1914
Hazen, Edson S.-Co. G 14 N.H.Inf.               10-5-1865
Hazen, George W.-o. G 14 N.H.Inf.                 8-21-1863
Knowlton, Asa-Co. A 14 N.h.Inf.                    12-14-1862
Mason, David-Co. A 14 N.h.Inf.                       5-4-1903
Perry, Alfred-Co. E 6 N.H.Inf.                           1-27-1863
Phillips, John-Co. G 14 N.H.Inf.                      12-19-1862
Pierce, Almon G.-Co. A 14 N.h.Inf.                  6-8-1864
Pierce, Asaph-Co. A 14 N.H.Inf.                      1-21-1863
Richardson, Malachi W.-Co. G 13 N.h.Inf.      6-2-1864
Farmer, William-Co. D 53 mass. Inf.               1-31-1910
Hamilton, Horace- 1 Vt. Cav.                                     1917
Howe, Elmer B.-Co. C 15 Mass. Inf.                         1898
Morse, John R.Co. A 45 Mass. Inf.                            1912
Smith, Dr. Henry H.- Mavy                              10-27-1902
Alva, John                                                           8-23-1861
Ball, A.L.                                                          10-27-1902
Crombie, George V.                                        4-29-1873
Leonard, J.h.H.                                                           1899
Martin, Charles G.                                                      2889
Blanchard, William-Co. C 16 N.H.Inf.           9-2-1863            Village
Bowen, Edwin N.-Co. I 3 N.H.Inf.                                              Ditto
Brooks, Amos-Co. C 14 N.H.Inf.                   1-14-1865
Burbank, Daniel-Co. A 2 N.h.Inf.
Bryant, John T.-Co. A 2 N.h.Inf.
Davis, Albert W.-Co. D 1 N.H.H.A.
Dunton, William-Co. A 2 N.H.Inf.
Ellis, Elliott F.-Co. F 16 N.h.Inf.                      6-9-1863
Foristall, Jonas-Co. A 2 N.h.Inf.                   10-26-1862
Gilson, Henry. m.-Co. K 2 N.H.Inf.
Handy, Alpheus-Co. D 5 N.h.Inf.
Harris, Daniel-Co. C 14 N.H.Inf.                 6-6-1872
Hayden, Thomas D.-Co. C 14 N.h.Inf
Holman, Ora-Co. F 1 N.H.inf.
Holman, Thomas F.-Co. C 14 N.H.Inf.        7-13-1865
Monroe, Charles A.-Co F 16 N.h.Inf.          2-16-1865
Newton, Charles-Co. F 16 N.H.Inf.             1-15-1893
Nutting, Edward A. - Co. F 16 N.H.Inf.
Osborn, Daniel P. - Co. F 16 N.H.Inf.        11-27-1871
Parker, Charles H.-Co. F 16 N.H.Inf.          5-16-1863
Parker, John M.-Co. I 3 N.H.inf.
Perry, William E.-Co. F 6 N.H. Inf.
Platts, Elijah T.-o. K 6 N.H.Inf.
Platts, John A.-Co. K 6 N.H.Inf.                   2-15-1893
Reed, Damiel H.-Co. F 16 N.h.Inf.              1-7-1867
Reed, Henry D.-Co. B 11 N.H.Inf.
Richardson, Leander-Co. F 16 N.H.Inf.     6-12-1890
Roundy, Edward S.-Co. B 14 N.H.inf.
Stone, Albert G.-Co. A 2 N.h.inf.                11-2-1862
Stone, Charles A.-Co/ A 2 N.H.Inf.
Stone, Samuel S.-Co. C 14 N.H.Inf.
Thompson, Jonas T.-o. E 4 N.H. Inf.
Towne, Amos T.-Co. F 16 N.H.Inf.            4-3-1887
Ward, Lewis K.-Co. B 9 N.H.Inf.
Wheeler, Lyman K.-Co. A 14 N.H.Inf.
Whipple, William-Co. I 16 N.h.Inf.
Whitcomb, Darius H.-Co. C 14 N.H.Inf.
Whitcomb, Wright-Co. 14 N.H. Inf.
Blodgett, Ethan-Co. A 21 Mass. inf.                                          Village
Ellis, Edward B.-Co. k 16 Vt. Inf.                7-1-1867                Ditto
Fisher, Andrew-Co. B 15 Mass, inf.
Fisher, Seth-Co. B 15 Mass. Inf.
Flagg, Edwin A.-Co. F 57 Mass. Inf.
Foristall, Charles G.-Co. F 2 U.S.S.S.
Foristall, Charles  G.-Co. F 2 U.S.S.S.
Foster, Andrew-Co. D 53 Mass. Inf.
Pope, Charles-Co. E 47 Mass. Inf.
Potter, Benjamin P.-Co. D 36 Mass. Inf.
Turnbull, Joshsua- 1 Bn. Mass. H.A.
Wheelock, Charles C.-1 Sty Mass. Lt. Art.
White, Silas-Co. G 55 Mass. Inf.
White, Wyman S.-Co. F 2 U.S.S.S.
Whittemore, George A.-U.S. Volunteers           9-25-1889
Wilson, Charles B.-Co. F 2 U.S.S.S.
Brewer, H.
Dave, Francis
Drury, Moses
Estabrook, George
Holman, Asa
McGee, Amos
Rand, Josiah
Richards, George
Sabin, John
Stiles, Orrin
tyles, Lester
Whitcomb, Uriah
Bates, Clement U.-Co. B 1 N.H. Cav.          3-24-1925     Centennial
Bates, William H.-Co. B 1 N.H.Cav.             1-20-1916     Village
Brown, Rodney J.-Co. B 14 N.H.Inf.                       1908     Village
Crouch, Charles E.-Co. I 9 N.H.Inf.                                      Centennial
Davis, Lucius D.-Co. B 1 N.H. Cav.                                     East
Davis, George H.-Co. E 2 N.h. Inf.              4-2-1901         Centennial
Howard, Merrill J.-Co. I 9 N.H.Inf.             11-19-1878       Village
Nevers, Franklin-Co. G 9 N.H.Inf.                                       Centennial
Roundy, Edwin E.-Co. B 14 N.h.Inf.                    1921         Ditto
Roundy, Franklin W.-Co. B 14 N.H.Inf.                1924
Smith, Elbridge-Co. A 14 N.h.Inf.           10-27-1889
Wellman, Israel P.-o. G 14 N.H.Inf.                    1909
Wright, Daniel-Co. G 14 N.H.Inf             6-2-1915
Howard, Horace W.-Co. H 8 Vt. Inf.                                      Village
Lawton, Henry C.-Co. L 1 N.E. Cav.
Hill, Samuel -                                                                       Vessell Rock
Flemming, George H.                             7-8-2885            Centennial
Gravlin, Lawrence A.                                                          Centennial
Hammond, Albert O.                                                           Vessell Rock
Heeman, James                                                                  Centennial
Hodson, Samuel                                      6-15-1895            Village
Mansfield, William                                                                Vessell Rock
Minor, Francis                                      10-4-1908             Village
Temple, George W.F.                                                        Vessell Rock
Ware, Benjamin                                                                  Vessell Rock
Welch, James                                      11-25-1870            Village
Barrett, Charles H.-Co. C 14 N.H.Inf.  4-27-1878              Island
Derby, Roger S.-Co. G 6 N.H.Inf.         8-11-1872             Chesham
Hardy, Charles H.-Co. D 14 N.H.Inf.    4-4-1884                Island
Hunt, Edwin P/-Co. G 1 N.H. Inf.          4-17-1920              Island
Starkey, Elmer J.-Co. G 2 N.H.Inf.       2-25-1904               Island
Upton, William O.-Co. A 1 N.H. Cav.   3-2-1922                Island
Heath, William K.-Co. D 9 Vt. Inf.                1890                Island
Barrett, Joseph A.-Co. A 14 N.H.Inf.                                     Pine Grove
Bishop, William-Co. A 14 N.H.Inf.           3-23-1878           Ditto
Blanchard, James A.-Co. A 18 N.H.Inf.
Britton, Bradford-Co. E 6 N.H.Inf.
Britton, George H.-Co. A 14 N.H>Inf.   12-20-1891
Brockway, John H.-Co. K 2 N.H.Inf.        1-8-1871
Brown, Charles-Co. G 1 N.H.H.A.
Chamberlain, Ira-Co. A 14 N.H.Inf.         6-22-1865
Day, George-Co. F 14 N.H.inf.             12-16-1866
Dickerman, William-Co. A 18 N.H.Inf.
Evans, Nelson R.-Co. A 14 N.H.Inf.
Germain, Philip-Co. H 8 N.H.Inf.                                            St. Joseph
Gould, Nathan-Co. A 18 N.H>Inf.                                         Pine Grove
Hasting, Herbert R.-Co. H S N.H.Inf.                                      Ditto
Howe, Norman-O. -Co. A 14 N.H>Inf.
Leland, Geroge A.-Co. A 18 N.H.Inf.
Lewis, Geroge-Co. A 14 N.H.Inf.
Liscom, Lemuel F.-Co./ A 14 N.H.Inf.
Liscom, Samuel E.-Co. A 14 N.H.Inf.
Lynch, William-Co. F 5 N.H.Inf.
Nims, Ruel P.-Co. A
2 N.H.Inf.
Polley, Charles-Co. A 14 N.H.Inf.
Polley, Gilbert C.-Co. A 14 N.H.Inf.            11-18-1863
Scott, James B.-Co. B 5 N.H.Inf.
Scott, James M.-Co. F 5 N.H.Inf.
Scott, John A.-Co. F 2 N.H.Inf.                     9-10-1880
Snow, Joel L.-Co. A 14 N.H.Inf.                    7-2-1891
Thayer, Leroy A.-Co. A 1 N.H.Cav.              6-15-1872
Thomas, Jones B.-Co. D 18 N.H. Inf            2-21-1880
Tyrell, David B.-Co. A 2 N.H.Inf.
Upham, Lorenzo M.-Co. F 5 N.H.Inf.           
Welch, William-Co. F 5 N.H. Inf.                 7-2-1863
Wright, George A.-Co. A 14 N.H.Inf.
Wyman, Nathaniel B.-Co. A 14 N.H.Inf.     9-19-1864
Bailey, Alonzo-Co. D 21 Mass. Inf.
Buckley, John W. Co. E 55 Mass. Inf.
Dame, George H.-Co. H 2 Mass. Cav.
Dickerman, Austin H.-Co. 3 Bn Vt. Lt. Art.
Doelittle, Charles-Co. E 11 Vt. Inf.             8-21-1864
Emerson, Rufus W.-Co. G 33 Mass. Inf.
Gilmore, Robeert-Co. K 2 Mass. H.A.
Holton, Clement C.-Co. F 52 Mass. Inf                                 Pine Grove
Hosford, Dwight-Co. D 52 Mass. Inf.                                    Ditto
Hosford, Horace-Co. D 52 Mass. Inf.
Howard, Henry M.-Co. D 71 N.Y. Inf.
Howard, James W.-Co. E * Vt. Inf.             6-24-1863
Newton, Henry H.-Co. F 8 Vt. Inf.
Pike, Charles M.-Co. B 10 Mass. Inf.
Richardson, Henry-Co. C 2 Vt. Inf.
Worden, E.A.-Co. F 8 Vt. Inf.
Bardwell, Moses
Bartlett, C.C.
Bent, A.A.
Bishop, Frank
Church, Mahlon
Cooper, O. H.
Detour, Joseph
Davenport, Lockhart
Dix, Nehemiah
Frary, Charles
Green, George
Holman, Augustus
Holman, Frederick
Hyatt, Joseph
Ide, Henry
LaMarche, Eliza
Marble, William H.
Martin, Chester
Metcalf, Lyman
Nickerson, H.N.
Owen, Charles Polley, Fred
Smith, George H.
Smith, H.F.
Smith, J.W.
Streeter, F.B.
Streeter, S.D.
Tasey, Joseph
Thayer, Edgar
Waite, Rufus
Welch, Thomas
Wellman, Alonzo Williams, A.C.
Ainsworth, William P.-Co. M 1 N.H.Cav.     5-30-1862           Old
Atherton, Henry A.-Co. E 6 N.H.Inf.              4-2-1869             Conant
Bailey, Almon W.-Co. F 16 N.H.Inf.             6-27-1863           Old
Bailey, Calvin-Co. F 6 N.H.Inf.                      1-15-1888          Cutter
Barber, William H.-Co. F 6 N.H.Inf.                                          Conant
Bartenback, Christopher-Co. G 14 N.H.Inf.  10-5-1876         Ditto
Bixby, Charles F.-Co. H 10 N.H.Inf.
Brown, Jared P.-Co. K 3 N.h.Inf                                                Old
Buckwald, Henry-Co. F 16 N.H.Inf.                                            Conant
Buckwold, Joseph-Co. G 14 N.H.Inf.           8-17-1882            Ditto
Cragin, Henry C.-Co. D 5 N.H.Inf.
Cummings, John C.-Co. F 16 N.H.Inf.         8-11-1863
Cutter, Edwin R.-Co. G 14 N.H.Inf.
Cutter, Gustavus A.-Unas d 14 N.H.Inf.                                    Cutter
Davis, Daniel A.-Co. B 7 N.H.Inf.                 7-18-1862           Conent
Davis, Luther M.-Co. G 13 N.H.Inf.               4-26-1863           Ditto
Davis, Randall A.-Co. B 7 N.H.Inf.             10-28-1862
Durant, John A.-Co. K 6 N.H.Inf.
Emery, Charels D.-Co. G 14 N.H.Inf.         11-14-1863
French, Preston L.-Co. A 14 N.H.Inf.            8-23-1879
Frost, John-Co. G 14 N.H.Inf.                                                    Old
Gilmore, George F.-Co. I 9 N.H.Inf.                                          Cutter
Hacker, John-Co. K 6 N.H.Inf.                                                  Conant
Jaquith, Dana S.-Co. A 2 N.H.Inf.                                             Ditto
Joslin, Albert N.-Co. F 5 N.H.Inf.                   3-30-1883
Joslin, Henry H.-Co.H 2 N.H.Inf.                    3-19-1878
Joslin, Joseph H.-Co. A 2 N.H.Inf.
Joslin, Joseph R.-Co. H 2 N.H.Inf.                 4-16-1878
Kidder, Henry F.-Co. F 5 N.H.Inf.
Knowlton, Dexter E.-Co. F 15 N.H.Inf.
Lacey, Joseph S.-Co. F 5 N.H.Inf.               5-10-1862        Old Village
Law, Charles D.-Co. G 14 N.H.Inf.                                        Old Village
Leathers, John--Co. G 14 N.H.Inf.               3-29-1870         Conant
Lindsey, Andrew-Co. F 16 N.H.Inf.                                        Old Village
Lowe, George F.-Co. G 14 N.H.Inf.            6-18-1882         Conant
Morlock, Francis-Co. F 10 N.H.Inf.                                       St. patrick
Morse, Henry F.-Co. G 14 N.H.Inf.                                        Conant
Mower, Nahum W.-Co. G 14 N.H.Inf.                                    Conant
Newell, Jacob-Co. F 16 N.H.Inf.                4-5-1863           Old Village
Nutting, Charles H.-Co. Unas'd 14 N.H.Inf. 4-2-1875         Conant
Phelps, Gurley A.-Co. Unas'd 14 N.H.Inf.                            Old
Pierce, Albert S.-Co. G 14 N.H.Inf.                                      Cutter
Poole, John W.-Co. G 14 N.H.Inf.                                        Old
Poole, Joel H.-Co. G 14 N.H.Inf.                                           Old
Prescott, Oren D.-Co. G 14 N.H.Inf.        12-30-1875        Conant
Preston, George P.-Co. K 6 N.h.Inf.                                    Conant
Rand, Leonard-Co. G 14 N.H.Inf              5-28-1864          Conant
Rice, John C.-Co. G 14 N.H.Inf.                                            Cutter
Ritchie, George C.-Co. I 16 N.H.Inf.                                     Conant
Robbins, Alfred J.-Co. G 14 N.H.Inf.       6-25-1866            Ditto
Robbins, William B.-Co. G 9 N.H.Inf.
Ruffle, Josiah-Co. A 2 N.H.Inf.
Spaulding, Leonard E.-Co. G 14 N.H.Inf.                             Old
Stebbins, Josiah-Co. F 16 N.H.Inf.                                      Old Village
Yaggart, Jackson-Co. A 1 N.H.Cav.       9-21-1864            Conant
Tarbox, Elbridge G.-Co. I 4 N.H.Inf.                                     Old Village
Verder, Charles W.-Unas'd 14 N.H.Inf.                                Conant
Wheeler, Edwin F.-Co. F 16 N.H.Inf.       8-6-1863             Ditto
Wherler, John F.-Co. F 16 N.H.Inf.
Whitney, John W.-Co. G 13 N.H.Inf.
Wilson, Daniel P.-Co. G 13 N.H.Inf.        6-6-1864
Ainsworth, Frederick- F & S 22 Mass. Inf.                             Old
Caldwell, John-Co. F 42 Mass. Inf.                                         Conant
Capron, John Q.A.-Co. Marines            10-23-1864            Ditto
Currier, George W.-Co. D 1 Conn, H.A.
Greene, Theodore-Co. F 60 Mass. Inf.                                    Old
Heald, Joel M.-Co. C 30 Mass. Inf.         8-5-1862                Conant
Lakin, Grosby-Co. D 2 Mass. Inf.                                            Ditto
Lawrence, Benjamin F.-Co. E 42 Mass. Inf.
Potter, George F.-Co. H 16 Mass. Inf.
Rice, Otis-Co. D 3 Vt. Inf.
Stone, Solomon-Co. I 2 Mass. H.A.
Upton, Lucius-Co. A 44 Mass. Inf.           8-7-1864                  Old
Verder, John R.-Co. A 21 Conn. Inf.                                       Conant
Washburn, Thomas S.-Co. B 30 Mass. Inf.                           Conant
Bailey, Abner                                                                            Old
Bartlett, Bryon E.                                                                     Conant
Brown, Frederick                                                                    Conant
Chisholm, A. Bruce                                                                 Old
Hardy, Lawrence                                                                    Conant
Joslin, A. Gustus                                                                    Ditto
Joslin, Otis
Lacy, David M.
Martin, James
Merrill, George
Pierce, Henry
Semeneau, Godfrey                                                          St. Patrick
Stevens, Charles                                                               Conant
Styles, Milan                                                                       Old Village
Whitehead, Zachariah                                                       Conant

The Civil War - conflict (1861-1865) between the Northern states (the Union) and the Southern states (the Confederacy).

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